Chapter 7

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At the time hits on 9 o'clock the person standing at the clock tower conceal himself at the crowd. All of the citizens who is in the capital plaza looked at the top of the clock tower. There they saw a person wearing a black outfit with the white star at the center of the five red star. Yes, it was none other than Redika. The blood crazy mage.

"Who is that?"
"What is going on?"

The mumblings of the crowd started to get louder. King Zed looked behind him, and then moved his gaze up the Bell Tower. King Zed started to shout.

"Who are you?!"
The knights and mages headed to the Bell Tower. Redika's hand became covered in a red-colored mana.

"Should be fun."

A chilling voice that sounded like metal screeching against one another, filled the plaza. Then, the red mana shot out to different spots in the plaza. That moment was exactly 9:01 am.


A vibration started from underneath the Bell Tower.


Magic devices started to go off in multiple locations. The red mana that was flying toward the detonation devices inside the magic bombs suddenly lost strength and started to spin aimlessly in position. It was the result of the mana disturbance tool.

Then, it happened inside the plaza as well.


Four spots started to ring in the plaza.
"Found it." Cale's quiet voice was drowned out by the alarm of the magic devices.
Someone within the area of those four alarms would have the magic bomb on them.
As Cale expected, the magic bombs had an alarm to sound that there was an error.
Cale could see from the distance that Bud, Hans, and Glenn heading toward the four locations. He could see at this top and hidden of a building on what's happening on the plaza.

10 minutes. Even if they could not manage to dismantle the bombs in 10 minutes, they had plenty of time to move the bombs to the mountain in the rear to make it go off without hurting anyone. It was possible because of the Black Dragon.

- Found one human.
Cale started to smile after hearing the invisible Black Dragon's report. The 10 minutes had just started.

Cale could see Hans grabbing someone as the Black Dragon made his report. It was the person the Black Dragon determined to be in possession of the magic bomb.
Cale could see the necklace on the person's neck.

'That must be it.' Cale could see Choi Han ripping off the person's necklace.

"Hahahaha-" The blood crazy mage Redika was laughing.

At the distance Cale could see the panic expression of Eric Wheelsman grabbing his younger brother's shoulder.
"Basen! We should go as well! We should go!"
"Young master Basen, hurry up!"

Basen looked toward Eric, Amiru, Gilbert, and Taylor. They had all quickly gathered around him. Eric was looking around with a chaotic expression on his face. Cale seeing this sending a telepathic mana that can send his words to him.

"Basen." Cale called out that makes his baby brother looked around. "Hyung?" Basen answered whispering. "Basen. Look around you, you're smart right? You need to calm down. Your Hyung will take care of it." Cale finally said and cut the call. He could see his baby brother following his instruction and doing it so that it follows the others around him. He saw his younger brother looked at Taylor. Taylor just smiled at him. 'He knows.' Basen knew that Taylor could not provide him the answer he wants that only his big brother can.

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