Chapter 3

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"Haaa." Cale sigh

Cale's hand is full of crazy people. There's the piece of sh*t of a GoD's priestess and her friend who is the first son of a Crazy Marquis who was pushed out by his psycho younger brother who tortured a fvcking dragon.

There's also the said dragon who followed them after he saved him by the hands of the psycho Venison or Venion something that he don't want to know it anymore. The said dragon claimed that a guy told him the guardian of world would save him. The baby dragon is claiming that he is the guardian the baby dragon that speak of.

It also applies with the crazy priestess that he have a multiple blessings of a god.  Then there's also the two cats from the fog cat tribe who ran away because of the said elders want to kill them because they're mutant. The said cats was now in Hans lap brushing their fur. The only person who is sane that he can trust is Glenn.

Glenn who looked at him as if giving him pitying looks. Cale just sighed again. "Young Master Cale." The priestess called out.

"What is it, Cage?" Cale asked
"I have a question for you, no a favor rather."
Cale suddenly get iffy about this as if he would get tangled up in some useless thing.

"Can you strip your shirt, Young Master?" Cage said as if without care in the world. "What?!" Four people exclaimed together.

"That not what you think it is. I need to check, Dongsaeng's back!!!" Cage defended. Once they looked back at Cale he already strip his upper clothes.

"Young Master Cale, did you get a wing tattoo at your back?" Taylor asked. "No." Answered Cale. "Young Master Cale, the thing is you have a crimson wing tattoo at your back." Cage counter. "......... What?"

As Cage's hand made contact at his back the crimson wings starts to glow brightly. "Wait, what's happening??" Cale starting to panic.

"Your wings is glowing, nya." The red kitten said. Cale start to move but stumbled back as he felt his back started to tear. It like something sprouting at his.

"Young Master."

His group starts to panic because he starts to feel pain. 'You piece of sh*t of a GoD. I swear I will destroy your fvcking temple to dust.' He thought. This continues for a minute until a wing come out from his back.

"You have a wing, nya!" On exclaimed.
"A wing, young master."
"Oh, god. Young Master please don't get angry. But you really are a guardian of this world."
"And the Gods made you an angel and guardian to oversee this world."
What?!!!! Cale is speechless for second turned to hour.

"This is the GoD's fault, no, all the gods fault. I'm going to fvcking destroy each of their churches here in the Roan Kingdom. Starting to GoD's church." He got up from his place but that the only thing he remembers as he start to closed his eyes.

In the Capital of Roan Kingdom.

A certain dragon felt an immense amount of divine aura. It's not close to them and it is not in the Capital but he knows that this was in the vicinity of the kingdom, he needs to meet that divine being. If there is a divine person being sent then there's something bad going to happen in the future he needs to go.

"Eruhaben-nim?." A Red Mage called out.
Eruhaben looked at the people in front of him as he didn't notice that he got up from his seat. In front of them is the crown prince of Roan Kingdom who have a stack of papers in his table because of someone who destroyed the church of GoD they still didn't know who the culprit it is but the church claim that a divine being destroyed their church.

"Are you okay, Eruhaben-nim?" The Crown Prince asked him. "I'm fine. I just felt something unusual." He answered. "What do you mean by unusual, Eruhaben-nim." The Elf asked. "I'm going, I need to meet a divine being." As he said those words the people inside the Crown Prince office looked at him.

"A divine being??" A certain assassin mumble.
"Yes. That being is just on the vicinity of a Roan Kingdom. I need to find him, why the gods send him in this mortal world. There's only one thing why the gods send a divine being." Eruhaben explained.

"What is it, Eruhaben-nim??" A raven haid punk asked. "It means there's something going bad to happen in the future that we mortals and dragon can't stop." They grimace at the thought of a terrible future that even a dragon cannot stop.

"So I'm going, Pendrick, you should take care of yourself." The ancient dragon said.
"But, Eruhaben-nim, what abou—"


The loud noise cut Pendrick off. "The Divine Being is here already in the Capital. I need to meet him now. " Eruhaben said and disappeared in front of their eyes.

Later the Palace official barges inside the Crown Prince office while breathing heavily. "Your....ha.... Highness...... The temple of GoD." The official said "Someone destroyed the Temple of GoD."

"What?!!" Alver exclaimed. 'Not again. I'm not even finished the exact paperwork!!!!!! I can't do this anymore!!!'
"Someone is brave enough to do such blasphemous thing." The Assassin said smiling benignly.
"Like your trash young master." The Raven Head said as the Father-son duo glared at him "Don't let our Young Master with this you punk." The Chef glowered.

Meanwhile the said young master with his friends especially the priestess of death laughing maniacally enjoying the sight of a already destroyed temple of death. "Let's go back." Cale said as they are preparing to go back the baby dragon felt that someone is approaching.

"Human, someone's approaching." The baby dragon shouted and when they are going to go back when. "Wait!!!" A certain ancient dragon exclaimed. "I'm not an enemy. I'm here to meet a divine being." As he said those all of Cale's trusted companion looked at him.

"What are you looking at? I'm a trash!!" Cale defend. Some of them looked at him with pity because he doesn't want to get entangled with the ancient dragon because he knows he's with the heroes.

"I can smell multiple blessings at you, are you the divin—"
"No!!!" Cale cut Eruhaben as the ancient dragon looked at him ridiculously.
"Human, he's like me but old!!" The baby dragon said excitedly.

Eruhaben looked at them intently. 'Interesting... There's a baby dragon, a mysterious butler who I can't identify his level of strength. A highest grade mage more talented than Rosalyn. A two beast tribe, a blue wolf tribe like Lock and a two member of Fog Cat tribe that can be seen in the eastern continent and a priestess of death.' As he scan them. Cale is getting uncomfortable.

"Let's go." Cale ordered and each of them started to tear the teleportation scroll.
"Wait!!! Your Excellency. I have a question to asked!!!" Eruhaben asked. But Cale just looked at him and tear the scroll as they vanished in front of the ancient dragons eye.

'I'm not paid for this!!!!!'

A Little Play of Eruhaben.

Eruhaben: He don't like to get entangled with
Choi Han: Eruhaben-nim, what does he looked like.
Eruhaben: a crimson angel.
Heroes: ......


Cale: I should just meet the grey dragon to destroy things for me. *Sigh*
Glenn: 'are you out of your mind?'
Cage: GoD stop whining.

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