Chapter 2

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Cale is walking at the slums to get his ancient power back and to save two children because he needs to go to the capital. Hans was preparing his thing at the manor for the departure.

A while ago

Cale ordered Hans to inform the Count that he's awake so that he can freely make a move without anyone noticing it. While he also ordered Glenn to come in western continent. He would be arrive later at night to save a baby dragon for their upcoming journey to the capital and to fvck up some blood crazy mage and to add up some paperwork to the crown.

Don't blame me! Blame this all to GoD!!

After informing the Count and his family that he's awake which they rush except for Basen who was in the journey to the capital which Cale first asked. The second he asked his father is "Father, can I go to the Puzzle City?? I heard from Hans that there's upcoming festival in there."

Hans looks at him with betrayal. "And its good for my recuperation." He added, as his father looked at him intently as if he's lying but found nothing. "Sure, Son." His father give his consent.

That is why he's here in this situation right now at the front of the man eating tree with 10 sack of bread in hand to feed this gluttonous tree who died with a grudge. It was the tree that would eat anything. It was the side effect of the power that was left behind by the person who starved to death.

‘I remember it said I need to feed it until the darkness disappears.’

The darkness in the hole underneath the tree was not the result of shade. It was darkness formed by the grudge. One person had to continue to provide a large amount of food until the darkness disappeared. Once the darkness finally disappears, the light that was hiding underneath would appear.

"Eat all you want!" He exclaimed.
Cale start feeding the tree until it became light.
Cale dumped three whole bags at the tree until four whole bags left until.


- More give me more.

"Yes. Eat it all."

Cale dumped the whole bag into the man-eating tree without caring about how it landed. He was not afraid. The bread instantly disappeared into the darkness that was now too light to be called darkness. Cale could now see a new grey light. However, it would only seem grey to him.

‘I guess it is paying off for the money I spent.’

More, give me more. Please.

Cale poured a bag of bread into the hole while listening to the eerie voice of the grudge-filled soul as usual. The darkness inside the hole was slowly turning from grey to white. Cale started to smile, thinking that all his efforts were not for naught. It was at that moment.

More, more, more!


Cale flinched and stepped backwards at the voice that now turned into a shriek.

More, more! I will give you a present if you bring me more. A present.

Present. That word made Cale’s eyes start to sparkle. Although he didn’t expect the soul to go crazy like this, the end was near.

“Just wait.”

‘This should be the last bunch.’

The light inside the hole was now as white as the fog surrounding Cale.

‘It should become transparent after I put this last bag of bread in.’

Cale was full of anticipation as he poured the last bag into the tree. And finally.


As he heard a rumbling that was different from a while ago that the tree poured out at Cale, this rumbling is only aimed at Cale. It didn't catch his attention as the tree is turning transparent. The moment he saw the ancient power, he could hear the voice of the person asking him for more food until now.

It was so, so good!

That voice was … obnoxious.

That soft texture of bread! I especially liked the third bag of bread you brought. I guess even food develops as time goes by. There was no such thing as bread back in my days! The wheat itself must grow on a really fertile land! Yes, not all wheat is the same

…The voice was evaluating the taste of the bread.

– … That’s why I am so full! It was delicious!
Chatter chatter. It felt like the grudge was from not being able to speak instead of not being able to eat.

After hearing the spirit chat on and on for a couple of minutes, evaluating all of the different types of breads that Cale had brought, Cale nodded his head and tried to cut the voice off.

– Things like this were not available in ancient times. The people of the Forest of Darkness claimed to be servants of a god yet only gave me tasteless things.

However, Cale decided to wait a little longer after hearing the spirit mention the ancient times.

– I was, naturally, banished from that place. They said I was a glutton. A glutton my ass. Of course, I left with my friends. We were planning on putting the world back on the right track.

For someone like him who needed Ancient Powers, it was important to listen to stories about the ancient times. However, the story soon ended, and the spirit went back to talking about food and other useless things. Cale quickly cut it off.

– I don’t think I could give up this taste even if I got fat. It’s so unfair that I had to eat dirt and ended up dying!

“Yes, it was an amazing and professional evaluation. You’re a bit lou-“

The spirit cut Cale off.

You understand my evaluation. You are a really good guy! Thanks!

'Wow he stopped after thanking me.' Cale thought. The originally black tree turning white and it started to slowly grow some green leaves.


- I know you can protect all by yourself because of the multiple gods blessing but accept this present from me. It will protect you.


For the short moment the bright light wrapped around Cale and it started to absorbed by his body. The absorbed light all gathered in Cale's heart. Cale tried the ancient power and the indestructible shield appeared in front of his eyes. Cale started to smile but the smile slowly disappeared as he remember something because of this shield.

"........ It seems too divine." Of course, the former owner of this shield was a priestess who was tired of the term god, and the current owner, Cale, just didn’t like gods.

'Time to meet, Glenn.' As he turn his back and starting to go back at the manor to meet the highest grade mage, his friend, Glenn. 'I'm sure, Hans, already finished preparing for our departure.'

A little play of Cale with Glenn

Glenn: ........ You destroyed a church
Cale: ....... He deserves it.
Glenn: ....... *Sigh*

Meanwhile with the Gods

GoD: My children hates me and destroyed my temple.

The Gods: we should say..... deserve I guess?

GoD: you're not exception, Cale is targeting all of our temple. So I also said deserve.

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