[ 002 ] fuck the entire male gender

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SHE LOATHED ALL MEN. Men were the lowest of the lowest, the scum of the earth. Why, you might ask. Why did Eleanor Hewitt despise the entire male gender? For many reasons honestly but that morning in particular as she stomped her way into school, feeling utterly violated, she had only one reason in mind.

            While walking to school just ten minutes prior, Nell had cut through the nearby park like she did every morning, using the grass blanketed ground as a shortcut, she had been cornered by two hulking masses of useless flesh in the shape of Huntington High football players. They had pinned to the ground in seconds, her face squished against the grass and her cheek becoming smudged with mud.

They laughed at her, belittled her. While they hadn't touched her inappropriately, hadn't grazed even a single finger over her breasts and made a move towards her pants, they had ground down on her stiffened body. She had been assaulted in more ways than one and the worst thing about it all? Nothing would be done about it.

The fact that she didn't fight back also bothered her. Realistically, Nell knew she even if she had, nothing of any serious consequence would be done to them. They were bigger than her, had her pressed to the ground. She wasn't that strong either, hell she could barely lift her backpack without getting winded.

Not being able to fight for herself, especially when no one else would step in to help, that sucked! That feeling of helplessness felt like utter shit, clustering within the pit of her stomach and inducing a nausea that couldn't simply be swallowed down.

            Whispers of a beatdown had reached her ears by first period. Apparently, Josie and PJ had pummelled Jeff the night prior after the fair which surprised her greatly. Despite how much of a dick Jeff was, no one had ever done anything in retaliation because, well—he was the best player on the football team.

            As she walked into the classroom, her eyes immediately sought out the boy who she knew sat at the back of the classroom along with the other members of the team. Like they were royalty, all of their desks were perched upon a small stage allowing for them to loom over the rest of the class as though they were peasants. It was honestly pathetic but no one ever commented on it so neither did she.

            He wasn't there yet. This caused a heavy sigh to fall past her lips as she scooted past people in order to get to her desk. She was hoping to see his bruised face, hoping it would cheer her up after her shitty morning.

           The unmistakable feeling of someone staring at you hit the Hewitt girl. Whoever it was had refused to take their eyes off of her from the moment she entered the room. With her another sigh, Nell slid into her chair and placed her backpack next to her feet.

𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐈𝐭 ✸ 𝐇𝐚𝐳𝐞𝐥 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now