The most important game of life

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| I want to apologize so much for posting the chapter 2 hours late :( I didn't have time to write the chapter and I had some problems how to start the chapter and I didn't know what to write there to make you like it. I'm also sorry that it's so short, but the next chapter will be longer... I'm very angry with myself |

Lucy's pov:
*after winning 4 matches later*
It's morning and we're going to the Groupama Stadium because today is the semi-final and we're playing against the USA. I'm quite nervous because this match is the most important one I've ever played. I'm sitting on the bus next to Georgia, Keira is sitting with Leah because we thought we'd put some distance from each other so we wouldn't be distracted and focus on today. The journey went by quite quickly and now we are entering the underground garages through which we can get to our dressing room. At the gate to the garages, a couple of fans who have paid for VIP are standing with their phones in hand and are filming us, even though they can't see inside the bus. We got out and went to the dressing room through a narrow corridor that slowly got bigger. Everyone had their place and a jersey with our name and number hung on each place. We put our things down and went to see the pitch. Wow the stadium is really huge. The moment I saw the players from the USA coming out of the other side, another wave of stress hit me. Until I saw them, I didn't fully realise that this was reality and that it was really happening, but now it's all coming together and I'm really nervous. Today has to go, we have to win... I don't know if I will play in the next World Cup and I really want my dream to come true. We went back to the dressing room where we changed, ate a snack, and Jill E. told us the starting lineup. After she told us, it was time to focus on preparing for the match, which started in 2 hours. There was more and more tension and anticipation in the dressing room, so we played music on the speaker to relax a little and went to the pitch to stretch. Then we threw ourselves into mental preparation. We sat in the dressing room and did the kind of relaxing breathing exercises that we don't normally do, but now it was needed. At this, Jill E. gave us words of encouragement and reminded us that we are here as a team and that we have what it takes to win. It was important to keep the nervousness under control and concentrate on the game. Jill also told us the tactical plan for the match. We were introduced to how we wanted to play and we found out the strengths and weaknesses of the opponent in order to have the greatest possible advantage. A few of us already had family in the stands who could have come earlier, so we went to say hello. When we were running out of time for preparation, we gathered in a circle, we started with a short speech from the team captain, who gave us motivation and tried to encourage us all with her words. The match will start in 45 minutes, so let's warm up. There were already several fans in the stands, to whom we waved and then we watched our own and warmed up. After 20 minutes, we went back to the dressing room to take off our sports sweatshirts, and slowly lined up in the corridor that led to the field. When we came out of the dressing room, you could feel the excitement and tension in the air and you could see that even the players from the USA were nervous. We started walking out onto the pitch and we could hear our fans cheering and shouting on us. We sang our anthem and went to our positions. We knelt down, the referee blew the whistle and the match began. After ten minutes, the USA scored, we all had that disappointment and fear in our eyes, but we didn't stop fighting. Ellen White scored in the 19th minute. We were all so happy at that moment and it gave us so mucb confidence. No matter how hard we tried, we couldn't prevent the USA from scoring another goal. The referee blew her whistle and the match was over. While the players from the USA rejoiced and cried with happiness, we cried with sadness. I couldn't hold it in and as soon as the whistle blew I fell to the ground with tears running down my face. I looked where Keira was to see if she was okay or not and if she noticed me because all I wanted right now was for her to come to me and calm me down. Mary came to me and told me that it was okay, that this World Cup just wasn't meant to be ours and that the next one would definitely work out. Other girls who also had tears in their eyes came and hugged me. I sat down and watched the USA players and dreamed that we were in their shoes right now. I'm so devastated right now I can't even describe it. This is the only thing I've ever wanted and after today I don't know if it will ever come true. I was awakened from my deep thoughts by a touch on my shoulder, so I turned my head and it was Keira.

keira - hey luce
lucy - hi *I said in a crying voice*
keira - how are you doing? *she sat down close across from Lucy*
lucy - it sucks
keira - sorry, I'm really sorry
lucy - me too
keira - sorry I didn't play better
lucy - hey hey hey, wait, you played flawlessly, only USA was simply better *I  smiled with tears in my eyes*
keira - okay, but you also played excellently, I couldn't even wonder how much energy you put into it today *puts her hand on Lucy's knee*
lucy - i know i tried but was it any use? *more tears well up in my eyes*
keira - *she sat closer and put her hand on Lucy's cheek* hey, you're unbelievable, you're the best football player I know and it doesn't matter if we win or no, because it doesn't make you a bad player
lucy - *I put my head down so no one could read my mouth because I didn't know if a camera was filming us* I love you...god i love you so much
keira - *she sat even closer and hugged Lucy* me too

Keira's pov:
I didn't care if anyone would see us and the fans would create rumors again. I had to calm her down. This is the first time I've seen her down like this. I hugged her tightly and buried my head in her shoulders, so I kissed her neck without anyone seeing and knowing. Then I held out my hand and helped her up. The team and I went to stand in a circle where Jill E. said a few words and I watched my girl as tears ran down her face. God I can't wait to get on the bus and hug her the whole journey. We stayed on the pitch for a while and waved to the fans, and then we went to the dressing room, where we showered, got dressed and walked towards the bus. I sat next to Lucy, who seemed to be calm, but I know that there was no peace in her head. It was late in the evening and Lucy was so exhausted that she fell asleep leaning on my shoulder. I wanted her to be more comfortable, so I took my sweatshirt, folded it twice and put it on my lap, where I also moved Lucy, so she was lying on my lap and I stroked her head. We arrived at the place and I woke Lucy up.

keira - hey Lucy, we're here *I caressed her cheek*
lucy - huh what? *wakes up confused*
keira - we are at the hotel, let's go inside and go to sleep *I waited for her to get up and then I took her hand and we went to the room*

We changed and went to sleep. Lucy slept in my bed and all night I did nothing but hug her. I woke up several times during the night, so I always checked her to make sure she was sleeping and not awake.

No one's pov:
In 3 days we have one more game against Sweden and we are playing for third place, so we spent the next two days training again.

We lost the match against Sweden.

We returned home and Lucy started playing for ManCity again. We also moved in with each other...well, Keira moved in with Lucy. There were no trainings for months, due to covid and the ban on meeting other people. But we still went running together, kicked a ball in the garden and enjoyed our time together.

To be continued in the next chapter

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