Secret lovers

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The girls ran to Keira who was unconscious. Leah touched her forehead and said "she's burning up Lucy...let's get her and carry her there". I took Keira in my arms and carried her to the infirmary where the doctor was already waiting.

doctor - please wait outside while I check on Keira
lucy - can't we stay here?
leah - come on Lucy then we'll check up on her
lucy - okay
leah - did she seem fine to you in the morning?
lucy - well she was kinda pale

We returned to breakfast, where we quickly ate our food and then I went to wait in front of the infirmary again. After about another 10 minutes, the doctor let me in. Keira was lying there, already conscious, looking at me with that look she gives when she knows I was right...about drinking enough and resting.

doctor - so, Keira is very dehydrated. She told me something about Demi tackling her and because of that hitting her head yesterday, which explains your throwing up at night
lucy - what? Did you throw up at night? Why didn't you say anything?
keira - I, um, I don't know *she wanted to say that because of the weird thing between them yesterday, but she didn't want to say it in front of the doctor*
doctor - well anyway, no training for at least 2 days now, you have to keep drinking and generally rest...your temperature has already dropped, so you can go to your room.
keira - okay thanks

We left and went to our room.

lucy - now lie down and I'll bring you some tea from the dining room because we have a match in a few days and if you want to play you have to rest
keira - okay mom
lucy - *I laughed* I'll be right back
keira - okay *she smiled*

I made Kei tea in a teapot and I'll take it to our room. On the way I ran into Jill E. who told me to skip training now and stay in the room with Keira to watch over her. After I finished speaking with Jill, the girls came to me and asked me how Keira was because they were very worried about her. I'm not even surprised at them, it was scary to see them suddenly fall to the ground. I asked them if they wanted to see her, and they said later, because they were going to training now.

I brought Keira tea and sat next to her on her bed.

lucy - so what are we looking at?
keira - I don't know what you want
lucy - I don't know either
keira - I'll put the BBC on there and maybe there will be a match

We were watching the match between Australia and Norway but I got bored because I wanted to chat with Kei

lucy - do you want to play cards?
keira - hmm, I didn't know you were such a gamer
lucy - that's me, mainly into games with people *I winked at her*
keira - *laughed and bit her lip* Luce...I didn't mean it, I don't know why I said it, you had the right to be mad at me when I found someone new without ending our relationship somehow
lucy - was there any relationship between us? *I teased her a bit*
keira - well, wasn't it clear when we actually kissed in my bed?
lucy - i guess *I looked at her with loving eyes*
keira - oh my goood
lucy - what? *said with enthusiasm in my voice*
keira - don't look at me like that *she laughed*
lucy - but I can't
keira - *laughed again and started looking at Lucy's lips*
lucy - come on Kei, I know I'm not imagining this thing between us and you know it too
keira - yes i know

I leaned into her and waited for her to pull away and tell me if I was crazy. But she didn't pull away. She started looking alternately at my lips and eyes until she came even closer to me and kissed me. The feeling of happiness and enthusiasm that I feel right now is unreal, I've been dreaming about this since I flew to France for the first time. The kissing went from slower to a little faster, but it didn't stop. Her hand went down to my waist and then she pushed me away so that I was on the bottom and she was on top. She moved from kissing my lips to my jaw and then my neck. I let out a small moan of satisfaction as she kissed my neck, her hands pulling up my t-shirt in between. She then pulled away from me and said "damn you're so hot" looking at my abs. She approached me again and pressed her lips to mine. I grabbed her back and hips and turned us around. When I wanted to continue, I realised that training ends in 10 minutes and the girls will definitely come so I stopped kissing Kei and wanted to tell her that soon the girls from training will definitely come and see her as they said before. But she cut me off

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