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It's been a while. It's more or less a filler chapter so that I can get on my feet and see how to tie in the plans that I had for the couple.

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"Look at you remarried, having unprotected sex, popping emergency pills and coming to the doctor to get birth control. You are living life," Devika says. "Stop telling my business," Anupama says. The doctor walked in having heard Devika's statement.

"I don't advise unprotected sex except if you are trying to have a baby," Dr says. "I am not. We just forget to use it," Anupama says. "Just wait till all that forgetting, develops arms and legs and starts breathing," Devika says. "I think she gets it. Why did you come in today?" the doctor says.

"I just wanted to get checked, get a prescription for birth control pills that won't affect my menopause pills," Anupama says.

Thirty minutes later,

Anupama and Devika leave the doctor's office, and go to the pharmacy in the hospital to get her medicine. "I am going to buy you sexy lingerie so that you can feel sexy," Devika says. "What rubbish, I want to go home," Anupama says. "Why do you have a meeting with Anuj?" Devika winks at her.

"Would you stop with all your suggestive jokes? We shouldn't have invited you," Anupama says. "I would have come either way," Devika says. Anupama rolled her eyes. "I know a store that we can go to or would you prefer online," Devika says.

"No, let's go to a store," Devika said, not giving Anupama time to react. She drove off to the shopping mall. "You are also my agemate. You don't talk about perimenopause or menopause," Anupama says. "I am not there yet, and I still have my periods," Devika says.

"I also still have my period, it's irregular but that has to do with my surgery. But you should think about it 'cause we are at that age," Anupama says. "Tell me when menopause fully comes for you. You will fully stop using contraception right. You seem like those types," Devika says.

Anupama pinched Devika's side. "It's my body my choice. I don't know what will happen but leave me alone," Anupama says. "It's so funny to tease you. You overreact," Devika says. "You are talking about my personal things. See the way you were talking in front of the doctor. Only God knows what she thinks about me," Anupama says.

"That you are newly married and fully enjoying your honeymoon period. Gosh, it's normal and normal friends tease their best friends like this," Devika says. Anupama rolled her eyes.


Devika and Anupama were exploring the lingerie shop. Exploring Matlab, Devika was dragging around a scandalised Anupama showing her sexy pieces of lacy and silk underwear. "It's not covering anything," Anupama says. "Lingerie is about giving a sneak peek but keeping some things to yourself. It's a peak a boo," Devika says.

"Do you wear all these things?" Anupama asks. "Of course I do," Devika says. "Do you have a boyfriend that I don't know about?" Anupama asks. "I am single but I wear it for myself. Underwear should be comfortable, and supportive but also sexy," Devika says. They got to the section of the store that was a little bit more risque.

Anupama saw a piece that was lacy and black but she thought would give her better coverage than all Devika had been showing her. She picked it up and Devika was watching her at a distance. She saw Anupama's face when she noticed that the underwear had a slit in the middle. Devika walked slowly towards her friends. "What are you looking at?" Devika asks.

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