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The evening,

When Anuj walked into the Shah house, he saw Kinjal resting her head on Anupama's lap. Her kids were sitting around her. Samar was hugging his mother from behind and Pakhi was filling her face with kisses.

"I was missing you so much. I thought you would have gone before I returned from college," Pakhi says. Paritosh was pulling Pakhi away so he could also hug his mother. "Why are you behaving like kids?" Hasmukh asks. "Your mother is not going anywhere," Vanraj says.

"She is going home today," Samar says. There was a little bit of silence and then, Samar kissed her forehead. "Leave her all for me," Pakhi says, holding Anu's head. "Please don't rip my head off," Anupama says.

"Mummy came here for me so the rest of you should leave her alone," Kinjal says, resting properly on the couch. Anupama stroked her hair and kissed her forehead. They kept on chatting and Anuj just stood there watching the interaction.

He was starting to feel a little bit jealous. Part because he was missing his wife and tired of them not communicating. But it was lovely to see her children being so affectionate, and he wished he had that. Anuj shook his head and was about to make his presence known but it was done for him.

"Anuj, why are you standing here," Kavya says. She had also just arrived from work. "I was just watching the kids. You are so cute," Anuj says. He enters the house after Kavya. "Do you want water, Buddy?" Pakhi asks. "I am fine," He says.

"Kinjal, are you feeling better?" Anuj asks. "Yes, I am less worried now. Mummy and the doctor helped with that," Kinjal says. "I am glad," Anuj says. "I will get my bag," Anupama gets up. "How is work going?" Hasmukh asks.

"It's wonderful. I am glad to be back and I have my two wonderful partners, Anu and Mukku," Anuj says. The kids went to say bye to their mother and she went to greet Baa and Baapuji. She entered the car with Anuj.

"Do you miss seeing them every day?" Anuj says. "I do, but I also love my husband, his sister and male gender mummy a lot. I love spending time with that family too," Anupama says. Anuj smiles. "Actually, I will take something back. I am quite annoyed with my husband nowadays," Anupama says.

"You must be so annoyed that's the reason you kissed me like that in the office," Anuj says. Anupama scoffs. "I am still annoyed by you but I wanted to kiss you so I did. Do you have a problem with that Kapadia ji?" Anupama asks.

"Not at all, Mrs Kapadia. Will I get another kiss today?" He asks. "No," She folds her hand to her chest. "Please, Mrs Kapadia," He teases her. "You don't deserve my lips," Anupama says. They both ended up laughing at each other.

"How was your meeting today? Did you sign the project?" Anupama asks. "I did. It's another step into cementing my company in India," Anuj says. "I spoke to all my investors today and they are happy," Anuj says.

"I knew you would do it. My Anuj is the best," Anupama says. She kisses his cheeks. "Oye. I thought I was not going to get a kiss," Anuj says. "On the lips, you are not. Even if you beg me," She says, pouting her lips.

"Are you confident that Kinjal would be okay?" Anuj asks. "Yes, she will. Mrs Dave will be with her tomorrow," Anupama says. "Anuj," Anupama says. "Yes," He looked into her eyes briefly and knew what she wanted to talk about.

"Please, I don't want to argue today," He says, holding her hand. "I don't want to argue also but I feel like you are shutting me out of that side of your heart. I don't like that feeling," Anupama says. She kisses his hand.

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