S2E5|| Wrongful conviction

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"John Booker Routledge, pursuant to the North Carolina statute section 14, you are charged with murder in the first degree with aggravated circumstances. If convicted, the maximum sentence would be the death penalty.", the judge declared as she struck the gravel against her desk.

"Respectfully, your Honor, this is bullshit!", I shouted as I stood above the bleachers.

Ward and Rafe Cameron should both be on trial, not my brother.

"Quiet.", the judge argued.

More people were talking left and right, my mind getting overwhelmed with everything they were saying about my brother.

"He's only a kid! The one that should really be put on trial is the man who's rich enough to bribe the dirty cops and his name is Ward Cameron! Our so called 'justice system' only serves justice for the people on Figure Eight!", I spat bitterly.

"Bailiff!", the judge called as my brother was escorted out of the room.

"Babe, let's go-", JJ started as he softly led me out of the courtroom.

"No! He's just a kid! He has nothing! We have nothing, JJ!", I cried.

"Justice is served.", a blonde woman cooed as she walked past us.

"Oh shut up, everyone knows you bleach your hair every five months so your husband doesn't leave you for a natural blonde.", I muttered under my breath.

"Is this a joke? Like, are we in hell or...", Kie trailed off.

"They're gonna kill him, guys. I know it.", JJ spoke.

"...thank god the system works.", I heard a kook admit to Ward.

"Can you please shut the hell up for once?! Of course you and the other rich folks think it works because it was made to protect people with money! Not for us lesser beings!", I snapped at them.

"He'll have his day in court. A jury will decide.", their lawyer deadpanned.

"He shouldn't even be in court! My brother doesn't deserve to be in jail! You should, 'cause you're a murderer, Ward Cameron! You and your son! Don't even think I forgot about the fact that he shot me in the damn leg and killed Peterkins in the same time frame! You have a lot of nerve showing up to court.", I yelled angrily.

"I know you're upset. I understand you're upset, okay?", Ward answered calmly.

"Upset?", I scoffed in disbelief.

"I know he's got you fooled. He's got you all fooled.", he continued.

"No, I'm not just upset, you rich prick!", I started as I approached him, only to get yanked back by the cops.

"Show some respect!", Ward demanded.

"She has a right to be upset! Her brother was framed!", Kie argued.

"Leave my girl alone and take the Kooks down for a change, Shoupe!", my lover demanded.

"You wanna get arrested? Get out! All of you need to go!", Shoupe threatened.

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