14||A Fight

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JJ pov•

I was just sitting on the log, playing with (Y/n)'s soft hair as she napped between my legs, when Pope whispered to me.

"JJ.", he called in a whisper.

"Hm?", I hummed in question.

"I gotta take a piss.", he whispered.

"Hold it.", I demanded.

"I can't hold it in. I drank too much soda.", he whined.

"It's too exposed, man. They'll totally see us.", he stated firmly.

"I gotta go.", he whined as he turned around, "they're blocking the bathrooms.", he whimpered.

"Come here, I know where to go.", I commanded as I grabbed his wrist.

(Y/n) must have felt me moving because she woke up when I stood up behind the log.

"Hm?", she hummed.

"Hey, where y'all going?", Kie asked curiously.

"We gotta wring it out.", I stated bluntly.

"Together? Like, in the same stall?", (Y/n) asked as she gave the both of us a suggestive stare.

Ew, no.

"You gonna hold it for each other?", Kie asked in a teasing tone.

We left to the bush without responding to the two ladies.

"This feels better than a blowjob.", Pope sighed in relief.

"Like you know how that feels.", I taunted.

"This feels better than what I imagined a blowjob would feel like.", he corrected.

I stopped peeing, zipped back up my shorts, and turned away from Pope to keep an eye out for Rafe or Topper.

"Did you bring the peacemaker?", he asked me softly.

"Oh, shit, I forgot it.", I revealed sadly.

"You forgot it?", he asked worriedly.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!", I hissed hurriedly.

"Dude, you had one job. That's all I asked you to do, man.", he complained as he zipped up his pants and turned to face me.

"I know. Let's go back.", I commanded.

We were about to move past the screen but we're stopped by a taller body.

~(Y/n) pov~

I stared at the corner of the screen in shock as I saw a taller person walk in the direction of the boys.

"Kie.", I whispered.

"What's up?", she replied.

"Rafe just went to the place where the boys are. So did Topper.", I stated worriedly.

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