1||How it Started

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♧Y/n's pov♧

Hi, I'm (Y/n). (Y/n), (M/n) Thornton. I'm a Kook. Basically, I'm rich. Rich and looked down upon by my father who has hated me since I was born. 'Why?', one might ask. That's another story for another time. Right now, I'm going to tell you the story of how I met a certain Boy Wonder through an accidental message I received while at my friend Sarah's house.
                             ( ? )
?: Yo, John B. When r ya going to give Kie that John D already? ;-)
Me: Excuse me?
?: C'mon man.  Don't fuck around with me. U know exactly what I'm talkin about. She was basically all over you yesterday.
Me: I'm sorry. You must be mistaken. I'm not John B. You probably put in the wrong number.
?: Ur joking. U sound like a Kook, JB. U good?
Me: Once again, not John B.
?: O, word? Sorry. Quick question: are you a kook?
Me: well, I'm typing in a sophisticated manner, so I guess I'm a kook. My old man is rich and I live in a big, nice house so yeah, I'm a kook.
?: ooh, sass. I like that in a girl (-;
Me: assuming my gender. How very pogue of you🤭
?: ur a guy?
Me: no, I was just messing around. I am in fact, a girl.
?: nice. I'll text you later, mystery girl
Me: I'll text you later, boy wonder.
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I didn't even notice that I was smiling when I put my phone down until Sarah pointed it out.

"Ooh, (Y/n)", she cooed as she poked my cheek, "who's got you smiling like that?", she asked teasingly.

"No one, Sarah. Just some guy.", I giggled. Unfortunately, that humor was short-lived as my twin brother entered the room, having heard anything.

"You're texting a guy? Who is it?", he asked sternly.

"Nobody, Topper.", I answered boredly.

"Is he a pogue?", he asked angrily.

"Oh my god, Top, leave her alone. Let her be with who she wants.", Sarah said stubbornly.

"As long as she isn't whoring around with-", he couldn't continue his sentence because Sarah shut him up.

"Topper! Don't talk about your sister that way!", she answered angrily.

"What way? I'm just being honest.", he says calmly.

"Whatever. I'm going for a walk. I'll see you at home, Topper.", I said angrily, "bye, Sarah! I'll talk to you later.", I waved her good-bye and left.

I went for a walk around figure eight. Topper's words slowly consumed me as I sat down on the bench closest to me.

'Does he think I'm a whore? Who does he think he is, calling me a whore? I'm his sister, for crying out loud!', I thought to myself.

Some footsteps grew closer to me, drawing me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see who it was and there stood a blond-haired boy with blue eyes. He looked to be around six feet tall so he blocked the sun from my eyes.

"Jeez, you look like you've had a shitty day. What happened, stranger?", he asked curiously.


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