4||The Chateau

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(A/n: partial face reveal that no one asked for. Anyways, this is a continuation of the boneyard because the text mix-up and boneyard take place on the same day. Meaning, it's still episode 1. The next chapter will also be part of episode 1 and half of the beginning of episode 2. Onto the chapter!!→)

The sun had just risen but I was still asleep.

"Y/n, let's go, you sleepyhead! The boys are waiting for us at the Chateau!", exclaimed Kie as she whacked me in the face with a pillow.

"Five more minutes. They know I'm coming, right? I don't want to intrude on any plans that you guys have for today.", I groaned as I woke up.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Get ready. You could borrow some of my clothes since we're the same size.", said Kie.

"Alright. Just turn around. I don't want you seeing my body.", I said insecurely.

"But you have an amazing body, Y/n.", she said.

"Kie!", I shouted.

"Okay! I'm turning around away from you.", she said as she faced to opposite direction of me.

I picked out a (f/c) shirt and some black shorts that went with it. I quickly got dressed and put my hair into a messy but cute French braid. Last but not least, I put on some deodorant and very quickly brushed my teeth with my toothbrush I brought in my purse.

"Alright, I'm done. Let's go!", I shouted happily.

We quickly ran downstairs and walked to our destination. Kie told me some information about what happened with them during the past 24 hours before the boneyard bonfire.

"So, let me get this straight: you guys found a shipwreck in the marsh, which had keys to a motel room, went to that motel, John B and...", I paused because somehow, it hurt to say his name, "JJ, went into the room, found a gun and about one grand, took the gun, and narrowly escaped the police?!"

There was a tense pause.

"THAT'S SO COOL!", I screamed happily when we were outside the Chateau, also known as John B's house.

We went to the backyard, where the boys were waiting for us. I made eye contact with JJ, the person I wanted to see the least out of the group, but I quickly averted my eyes to the grass.

John B must have noticed the tension between Boy Wonder and I because he walked over to introduce himself to me.

"Hey, I'm John B. You're (Y/n), right?", he asked curiously.

"In the flesh. Listen, I'm gonna get straight to the point. Kie told me about the whole boat-and-gun situation. I want in on searching the shipwreck for more stuff. I mean, I have nothing better to do other than sadly be a Kook all summer. I promise that I won't tell anyone.", I said breathlessly.

JJ and Pope looked at each other, questioning whether they should trust me or not before looking back at me.

"Cross your heart?", John B asks.

"And hope to die.", I said as I made the gesture over my heart, "I won't tell a soul besides you four.", I continued.

"Well, I trust her. How about you guys?", announced John B as he looked at his friends quizically.

"She did try to pull Topper off of you while he was beating your ass so he wouldn't beat you to death so, she's good on my part. Kie?", he asked as he looked to Kie, waiting for an answer.

"I've known (Y/n) since we were kids. There's nobody else I'd trust more with a secret than her. JJ?", she asked as she also looked at him for an answer.

He shrugged. "I don't care as long as she doesn't get in our way. As long as I get my part of the money, I guess I'll trust her.", he said.

"Dickwad...", I muttered underneath my breath.

"Look, I'm callin' it off, guys. All right? Peterkin said, if I stay out of the marsh, she'll help me with DCS."

"And you believed her?", JJ asked as he rolled his eyes.

"Yes, I believe her, JJ.", said John B.

"An actual cop, John B. You believed a cop.", said JJ bitterly.

"All I gotta do is stay out of the marsh for a couple days, and she'll help me out. It doesn't help that your ass was shooting a gun.", said John B in an annoyed tone of voice.

"You know what I should have done? Just let Topper drown your ass.", said JJ sourly.

"Topper was gonna drown me?", John B asked sarcastically.

"Sure looked like it.", replied JJ.

"Shut the fuck up, JJ.", I muttered, hoping that he didn't hear me.

"What was that, princess?! C'mon, say it loud enough for all of us to hear! Or are you just gonna keep it to yourself until Kie and you walk home to your Kook houses in your Kook clothes?!", he asked angrily.

"JJ-", Kie said, before getting interrupted by John B.

"Funny.", blurted out John B.

"Have you looked in a mirror?", JJ asked pointedly at John B.

"JJ, stop-", I said before JJ interrupted me.


I gasped in fear as I took in those first two sentences that flooded out of his mouth, a reminder of what Alex once said before he pushed me down the stairs, when he stumbled into my room, drunk. Twice. Three months ago, which caused my arm to break.

"John B, do you mind if I use your bathroom?", I asked, trying to keep my voice from shaking.

"Yeah, that's fine. Kie, show her where it is.", commanded John B.

"Alright, let's go, (Y/n).", said Kie as she extended her arm to me and I put my hand in hers, squeezing it in pulses to calm myself.

"Hold on a second," she said as she went to JJ and whispered something into his ear angrily, she quickly jogged back to me, "alright, we could go now.", she said as we walked into the house.

We went to the bathroom while the two boys continued to bicker, leaving Pope to witness the entirety of the event by himself.

-End of part 6-
(A/n: for the next chapter, the rest of the argument will be from JJ's pov. But, I will add some tweaks to the argument between JJ and John B, meaning, Y/n will be mentioned in the argument. Warning: Y/n will have a panic attack in the bathroom and JJ will be doing his best to calm her down. I'm sorry if JJ's a little bit of a dick, but he will warm up to Y/n eventually and apologize for how harsh he's been to her. But will she forgive him?(

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