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"What's the verdict Doc?"
"Everything is well. The babies are just fine"
I smile at Raven and then realise what he just said "did you say babies?"
"Yes. Your carry twins Mrs Teller"
"Omg" I cup ravens cheeks and kiss her deeply. She giggles as a tear falls down her cheeks.
"Happy tears?" She nods and I hug her close. The doctor passes us some photos before leaving us to book another appointment.
"I can't believe it, two babies" she says still in shock.
"My super sperm"

"Oh god! Maybe it was my extremely fertile eggs" she laughs and I smile.
"Im so happy I get to do this with you, I love you so much Raven"
"I love you too"
"You up for a visit to the clubhouse, I need to set some things straight"
As we walk out I see Opie with Abel and they are playing with some of the toys outside the doctors office.
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah all good" he looks over at Raven and she is looking down at the floor, I know they haven't really spoken since she slapped him but I know they miss each other.

"Ray?" He asks timidly and she looks up.
"Im really happy for you, your going to make an amazing mother"
I see her tears fall and she smiles "thank you Opie"
"Im so sorry, I never meant to hurt you or Donna. I told her the truth and she is willing to work on our marriage and try again"
Ray nods "I'm glad Opie. I know you made a mistake and I'm sorry for hitting you"
"I deserved it. I was an ass"
"Major ass" she says and giggles, he holds open his arms as I take Abel from him and she walks into them. He incases her in a huge hug and I can't help but smile. They have always been such good friends and I would have hated for that to come to an end.

We all arrive at the clubhouse after dropping Abel with Neeta. He doesn't need to be around for what's about to happen. I take ravens hand and we walk inside, I see clay and Gemma talking and as soon as Gemma sees us she immediately walks over.
"Im so sorry. Please tell me the baby is okay?"
She looks over at Raven who can't bare to look at her.
"Raven?" She asks and Raven looks at me "the baby is fine mum. Now I want everyone's attention"

Everyone walks over and sits down "I want everyone to hear me, because it obviously didn't sink in earlier. I am stepping down as VP for many reasons, one is I want to be there for my wife, for Abel and for this new baby. They are my priority and always will be. My father never put me or my mum before the club and I'm sorry for that Ma but I won't make his same mistakes. The second reason is him" I point to clay "I won't be your VP when I can't trust you or your decisions. You are running this club into the ground and I would not be surprised if half of you end up in jail in the next 12 months. Clay this isn't the way to go and until your willing to either step down or run this club legit I can't stand by your side"

I sigh and take a hold of Ravens hand "I did not do this because Raven told me too. I did not do this because she has control over me. She had no idea what decisions I had made. When we spoke about this she was the one who convinced me not to step away completely because that's what I wanted to do. She reminded me that your all my family and I can't just walk away from you, so if anything Ma you should be thanking her for keeping me here not going around assaulting my pregnant wife" my mother looks to the ground and shakes her head.
"Im so sorry"

"I don't know how long it's going to take to forgive you but I do know that if you ever touch my wife again or disrespect her in any way, I will leave and I will never come back. Raven, Abel and my..." I look to Raven for permission and she nods "two babies who are growing inside are my world and I will protect them with all I have. So respect her and respect my decision"
"Two?" Chibs asks and Raven giggles "two"
Everyone comes over to us and hugs us, kissing Raven on the cheeks and congratulating us. I see my Ma and Clay staying back and I think that's for the best right now. I've said my peace and I hope that maybe now we can all move on and live our lives.

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