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My phone rings for the 100th time and I answer it "what?"
"You need to head home now"
"Tara is hear and Ray is trying to kill her"
"Shit!!" I hang up and quickly explain to the guys before grabbing happy and Tig and racing over to my house. As we pull up I see Tara's car so I run inside and see my mum holding Ray.  I run towards her and cup her cheeks, she is so angry.
"Ray stop, your going to hurt yourself"
"No I'm going to kill her"
"Hey" I try to get her to focus on me "she's ain't worth it Ray"

She shakes her head and I see the tears fall "she left your son to die, she left me to die. She let Sack die! And yet again your standing by her side. Whatever"
She storms away and I instantly feel guilty, I wasn't stopping her for Tara's sake I was doing it for Ray. I don't want her to end up back in the hospital. I get my mum to check on her while I deal with Tara.
"What are you doing here?"
"I just came to get my stuff, I didn't know she would be here"
"You mean you were hoping no one was here right. Slip away. Not face the consequences"

"What? You telling me you have a good enough reason for abandoning our family"
"No I don't. All I can say was I was scared Jax......I was..."
"Scared!!!" I hear from behind me, I look at see Raven standing there, holding her wound.
"How do you think Abel felt? How did you think how Sack felt when he was dying on the floor and you did nothing to save him"
"No don't call me that. I tried with you Tara, I tried to help you, tried to make you feel like part of the family and this is how you say thank you. Leave me to die, leave a child you have been so adamant is yours behind to die"

I walk towards Ray and hold her up "Jax if you take her back....."
"Woah! Hey no! That's not happening" I look back at Tara "we are done. You need to get your shit and leave and never come back here. Cuz next time I won't hold her back"
Tara nodded and headed for the bedroom, packing up her crap while I held onto Ray and walked her over to the sofa. She was crying so hard "Ray, do I need to take you back to the hospital?"
She shakes her head "No. I'm just so....."
"I know. Baby I know, I'm angry too. She left you and Abel and I will never forgive her for that"

"I just......she could have saved him Jax......she could have....."
"I know. Come here" she collapses into my arms and I hold her close. I see my mum walking tara out and looks over at us.
"I know it doesn't mean anything but I am sorry. I am beyond sorry"
"Just leave"
She walks away and I hold Ray tighter as she cries into my chest, the weight of everything hitting her like a ton of bricks. All I can do is try and support her and be there for her and hope she doesn't push me away.

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