I knew....

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1 week later

Raven POV

It's been a week since I agreed to give Jax a chance and I have to admit he is sticking to his word. He hasn't slept with anyone and has been around me and Abel a lot more. It's been nice I have to admit, we, dare I say it have been acting like a family and I can't deny I've loved it. It was Opies birthday yesterday and the guys threw him a party so I told Jax to go have fun and I would take care of Abel. It's okay to be able to trust him when he is with me all the time but I have to be able to trust him when he is in a situation where he is faced with many hot porn stars who will open there legs for just about anyone.

It's the next morning and I've noticed Abel is looking a little pale and has a slight temperature so I decide to go and grab Jax and maybe take Abel to the hospital just to get checked out and make sure it's nothing serious. As I pull up to the clubhouse, I grab Abel and make my way inside. I see Opie and he is lucky a little rough "hey birthday boy. Have a good night?"
He shoots up out of his chair and looks nervous "yeah it was good. What are you doing here?"
I look at him confused "Abel has a slight temperature so I was going to grab Jax and head to the hospital just to be sure. Where is he?"

I see Opie look behind him and then back to me, even more worry in his eyes and I instantly know he is hiding something
"Opie? Where is he?"
"You have to be joking right" i scoff and shake my head passing Abel to Opie and storming past him.
"Ray! It's not what you think!" He shouts as I make my way to Jax's dorm room.
I open the door and as it swings open I hear Jax talking "you have to go before...."
Before he can finish his sentence he turns and sees me, tears gathering in my eyes as I see the person he is talking too.

"Ray.....it's not..." he goes to touch me and I flinch away, wiping away the tears that have fallen.
"Ray I swear...."
"Don't touch me" he looks hurt at my words "you know if it had just been a porn slut I would understand I guess but her..." I look at Jax and he shakes his head "Ray it's not..."
"Don't. Her Jax, of all people. The reason Sack isn't here." I look at tara and she looks down to the floor "I'm done" I storm back out and grab Abel from Opie.
"Ray I swear he didn't...."
"Don't Opie! Just don't"

I get back into the car and drive to the hospital, I hate him so much but Abel means everything to me and I have to know he is okay. As I walk in, I put on a brave face and suck up my grief and hurt to help him. The doctor sees me straight away and I focus all my energy on this little boy and I try to block out everything else.

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