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The party is winding down and I can't see Ray anywhere, she went to take the rubbish out 10 minutes ago and she hasn't come back. I don't know why I have a really bad feeling.
"You seen Ray?"
He shakes his head "let go find her"
Before we can leave Ray runs in, her lip is bleeding and her shirt is torn. She looks up at me and instantly lets out a sob. I grab her and hold her close, she is shaking in my arms.
"Ray what happened?"
She shakes her head and continues to cry on my chest. I pick her up and take her back into the dorms.

I sit her down on my lap as she continues to cry.
"Ray you gotta tell me what happened?"
She lifts her head and wipes away her tears, I notice finger marks around her neck.
"That guy from earlier he......followed me to the bins, grabbed me round the neck and tried to force himself on me, he slapped me and tore my shirt open. I kneed him in the nuts and ran inside"
"Ok, stay here. I'm going to call Tara to come and check you over"
She nods and I leave the room, as I walk out to the bar, happy and the rest of the guys are waiting.

"That dick from earlier he attacked her, tried to rape her."
"Let's go find him"
I nod and call Tara "can you come check Ray over she was attacked"
"Yeah of course"
"Thanks babe"
I hang up and we leave, no one gets away with attacking one of us and especially not our princess. He chose the wrong person to fuck with.


I lay on Jaxs bed, I can't stop shaking. Every time I close my eyes I see him. I was so scared, I always thought If I was ever in the situation that I would fight back but I froze. I'm just thankful I acted when I did because god knows what he would have done. The door opens and I see tara walk in.
I sit up slowly and she she sits down next to me, she looks me over and I feel the tears brimming my eyes.
"This is definitely going to swell, but luckily no permanent physical damage. Stupid question but are you okay?"

I shake my head and she wraps her arms around me, I start to cry again. Not knowing how to feel about this. I know the guys will sort this, but I never thought this would happen to me. I guess no one is immune to sick bastards like him. I hold on to Tara tightly, scared to be on my own.
"Can you stay here until the guys get back?"
"Of course"
"Thank you" I whisper.
"Why don't you shower and get into bed?"
I nod and carefully get up and walk to the bathroom. This isn't my room but the scent of Jax will help me to feel safe.

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