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It's been a few days since me and Raven had our argument and I miss her so much. She won't talk to me, she won't answer my calls or text. She goes through Gemma to talk about Abel, I don't even know where she is. Happy won't tell me, I know he knows but he is so angry at how I spoke to her. Everyone is, I didn't mean to be so horrible I was just so angry at her for putting herself in danger. Everything came out wrong and I hate myself for it. When she told me she wasn't my old lady my heart broke, but she was right I never even gave her the decency to ask.

Neeta has Abel and I need to run to the clubhouse for a few things, as I pull up I see Ray's bike. I rush inside and see her talking with Clay. She looks up and her face changes, she does from calm to full on wanting to murder me. She walks away from Clay and heads for the door.
"Ray wait"
She turns "what?"
"Can we talk? Please?"
She shakes her head and I wait for the No but instead she walks towards me "you have 5 minutes"
I smirk and nod for her to follow me, heading into my dorm room. I shut the door as she walks in and she stands by the desk, arms crossed looking extremely annoyed.

"Will you sit?"
"No. You wanna talk so talk"
"Ok. Raven I'm so sorry. I should have never spoken to you like that and I'm just so unbelievably sorry. I was just scared, seeing you like have no idea..."
She scoffs "I have no idea, just a few hours before that I was the one at home, waiting on you for our first date. I was in a beautiful dress and I felt beautiful for the first time in a long time and my heart shattered when I found out you were in the hospital. That not only had you been driven off the road but you'd also been shot. I had no other information I didn't know if you were dead or alive. So yes Jax I do have an idea of how you felt"

I look down "I'm sorry I....."
"You know, when you walked in that room, I expected anger. I truly did, but I never thought you would be mean and I certainly didn't think you would come in there thinking you could lay down the Samcro law on me and I would just cower in a corner and nod my head. You were a complete dick to me. I went out with these guys because you and Abel are the single most important things in the world to me. I would do anything, I would stand in front of bullets for you, I would step out into on coming traffic, I would do absolutely anything to protect you. And that's what I did. I took that guy down and I made it hurt and I made it very clear if anyone else even looks at you the wrong way they would have me
To deal with"

She walks closer to me "my wound wasn't from him it was from a stupid idiotic prospect of there's who fired his gun in the wrong direction. But you wouldn't let anyone explain that. You didn't even let clay explain you just went straight for the screaming and shouting. I love you Jax I do, but right now I can't forgive you." She kisses my cheek and walks around me and out of the door. She was completely right of course, I really screwed up this time and I'm not sure how on earth I'm going to fix this, I just hope she will allow me too.

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