Its not what it....

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Fuck! She is so hurt, she is broken and I know it seems bad but it's not what it looked like. As Ray storms out I turn to Tara and I have to control my anger "Get Out!"
"Jax I'm sorry.....I was drunk..."
"Yeah" I shake my head "your drunken mistake has probably cost me everything. Just get out"
She grabs her clothes and walks past me rushing out of the club house. I quickly grab my shirt and kutte and make my way out, I see Opie and he sighs "where did she go ope?"
"She took Abel to the hospital"
"He has a small temperature, she just wanted to get him checked out"

I groan "okay, I'm going there. Don't let that bitch back in here okay"
I get in the car and drive as fast as I can to the hospital, as I make my way in I see Abel's doctor and he smiles.
"Hey Jax, follow me"
I nod and he walks me into a room, I see Abel playing on the bed and Ray by his side, just as she always is. She looks up and I see the hurt in her eyes.
"Ray...." She shakes her head and the doctor looks between us obviously sensing the tension between us.

"He is okay Jax, he does have a cold and a temperature but it's not effecting his heart so he will fine. Raven did a good thing bringing him in"
"She always does"
He nods "I'll go get his medication and you can take him home"
"Thanks doc"
He walks out and I walk over to Abel kissing his head, he is distracted by his toys and I look up at Ray, I can see she is barley holding it together.
"Ray, please let me explain"
She shakes her head "no Jax. I'm going to go" she kisses Abel's head "I love you so much little man"
"Love ya too Ray Ray"
She smiles a sad smile and kisses his head again before walking away.

I can't go after her but if I let her go now she will be gone forever. I quickly phone Opie explaining and he promises to meet her at happys and try to explain what happened.


As I pull up at happys I see Opie and I can't help but sigh.
"What do you want Ope?"
"Please ray let me explain"
"No. Your going to try and spin this"
"No I won't. Please just.....let's just talk"
I open the door and head on inside, we sit down in the living room and I wait for an explanation.
"Jax got drunk..."
"Wow! Great..."
"Just listen. He got drunk, really drunk. Wouldnt shut up about you all night. How much he loved you and how he couldn't wait to take you on a date. Anyway....he got that drunk I had to carry him to bed, he was completely passed out. So I left him in his room, alone. I locked his door and pushed the key through. He was alone Ray"

"So what he woke up and then hooked up with her"
"No. She turned up, really drunk. I told her to
Go away and nobody wanted her there. So she left, but she must have snuck back in Ray and she had a key to his room. She left herself in. Got naked and lay next to him. Jax woke us all up this morning screaming and shouting at her to get out. I swear Ray he didn't do anything"
"How do I know your not just trying to protect him ope?"
Before he can answer I hear a voice from the doorway, I look up and there she stands "he's telling the truth Raven. It was my fault not jaxs"

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