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I did not think I would be rushing back to charming after 2 months, I got a call from Hale and he told me Gemma had been rushed into hospital because of a heart attack. I jumped on my bike and have floored it all the way here. When I left, I left with the intention of not coming back, charming was my home but so much had happened in such a small space of time and I couldn't be there any longer. But when family are in trouble you come running so I ran. As I get to the hospital I rush to the desk when I see a face I didn't think I'd see again.

"Raven. Your here to see Gemma?"
I shake my head "yes"
Tara points to a double door and I walk towards it, I'll deal with that later. I walk in and see Gemma hooked up to machines. She looks so small in the bed and I can't help but get emotional.
I turn and see Jax sat on the chair in the corner of the room.
"What are you doing here?"
"Hale called. Told me about Gem"

"Oh so now we are important?"
"Jax don't. I had my reasons. I'm here for Gemma nothing else"
"Fuck you Raven! She isn't even your Damn mother, yours didn't want ya remember"
I feel the sharp pain in my heart at his words. I knew he would be angry but I didn't expect him to be mean.
"Jax.....stop" I hear and as I turn I see Gemma looking at me. I try to hide my tears and walk over to her, pushing aside jaxs words.
"Hey Ma"
"Hey sweetie"
"I'm so sorry"

She shakes her head "you have nothing to be sorry for. I'm just glad your here"
I smile and she holds into my hands, I love Gemma so much and always have.
"Are you going to be okay?"
She nods "I'm going to be just fine honey. Nothing keeps me down"
"Your the queen after all"
"Damn straight"
I look back and see Jax looking at me, he looks so angry.
"I'm going to go, I'll come back later okay"

"Okay. Love you"
"Love you too Ma"
I kiss her cheek and walk out of the double doors, trying to hold in my tears until I'm alone and no one can see my weakness.


"You go apologise to her now Jackson"
"No. She left us"
"For her own sanity. Do you not get that? Everything that happened to her in such a small space of time Jax. She needed to breathe especially after what that porn slut said to her"
"No. Go now"
I sigh and kiss her cheek before rushing out, Ma was right. I just missed Raven so much and so instead of telling her that I chose anger instead. It was a low blow to talk about her mother and I knew the moment I said it, it would hurt her.

As I get outside I see her leaning against her bike, she is wiping her eyes so I know she's been crying.
She looks up and I see her blood shot eyes "what? Want to hurt me some more?"
"No. I'm sorry I didn't mean it"
She shakes her head and mounts her bike "wether you meant it or not. You said it and you can't take it back Jackson"
She places her helmet on her head, starts up her bike and rides away.
God! Why did I have to be such an ass? When I found out what Ima had said to her I lost it.

I knew she left for a good reason, she needed to clear her mind but I was angry that she left me, she left Abel and apart of me was angry because she didn't ask us to go with her.

Ravenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن