Standing tall

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"Get rid of him and get back to the clubhouse"
I climb back onto my bike, my hands cut and bleeding from the beating I have just given that guy. How dare he place his hands on Ray, no one should ever do that to a woman. As I get to the clubhouse I see tara standing outside.
"Hey, how is she?"
I nod "you okay?"
"Yeah. Jax...."
Before tara can finish I hear screaming coming from inside. I run in and go straight to my room. I see Raven, rolling around shouting.

I go to her and carefully try to wake her, when her eyes open. I see the fear in them.
"Hey, it's okay. It's me"
She wraps her arms around me and I hold her close. She cries into my neck as she climbs onto my lap. I just hold her, rocking her gently and whispering soothing things in her ear. After a few moments she pulls away.
"I'm sorry"
"Don't be silly, you have nothing to be sorry for"
"Is he dealt with?"
"Yeah he is Ray, you don't have to worry okay"
"Thank you Jax"
"No need to thank me. I will always protect you"

She smiles and hugs me again, I wrap
My arms around her tightly and she sighs.
"Why do you always make me feel safe?"
"I don't know. Because you know I love you"
She laughs "I love you too Jax"
Through our exchange I don't realise that Tara is stood at the door watching every moment. Seeing the woman in my arms and maybe realising I feel more for her then she thought.
"Can you stay?"
"Of course. I'll just tell Tara okay?"


I go to the bathroom and wash up, climbing back into jax's bed with his sons shirt and my shorts. Im thankful he is willing to stay with me tonight, I know the guy is gone but I can't shake this feeling. He walks back in and he takes his shirt off, removing his pants and climbing into bed. I lay on his chest and he holds me close.
"Is tara okay?"
He hums "happy is taking her back"
"Thank you for staying"
"Your welcome. Now try to sleep"
I nod and slowly drift off to sleep with Jax stroking my hair slowly.

The next morning

I wake up to Jax spooning me and his arms wrapped around me. His head is pushed into the back of my neck and I can feel him breathing. It feels so right but I know he was just comforting me. He loves tara and he is just being a good friend. I slowly get out of his grip and make my way out to the kitchen, for coffee and breakfast. As I walk in I see Bobby and Chibs.
"Hey sweetie, how are you?"
"I'm okay. Just a little shaken"

Chibs gets up and walk towards me, wrapping his arms around me and holding me close. I breath in the scent of his leather kutte and I feel instantly calmer. As I pull away I see tara walking in, she smiles softly at me. I walk over and hug her much to her shock.
"How you feeling?"
"I'm okay, little sore but I'm good"
"Did you sleep okay?"
"I did thank you. And thanks for being so cool about Jax staying with me. I just really couldn't be on my own"

"It's okay. You were right I have to trust Jax and I trust you so I know you needed your friend last night"
"Thank you Tara. Want some breakfast?"
We walk back into the kitchen where everyone is chatting. Jax walks in and kisses tara and comes to check on me. I tell him I'm okay, I won't let this man tear me down. I'm standing tall and I'm moving on.

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