F O R T Y - T H R E E

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Violet's POV

I didn't know why the parking lot of the dorms was still so crowded after the ambulance left. I had only been woken up by my nap when I heard its loud sirens rapidly leave the lot. I peeked through the blinds and noticed that a few students were making a commotion as they pointed to several specks of blood on the pavement. One male student pointed to the blood and followed its trail as he showed the other students. I sucked in my teeth as I saw the amount of blood spattered on the ground.

"Sheesh that's a lot," I mumbled. I hoped that whoever the blood belonged to was still alive and kicking. I couldn't imagine losing that much blood from anywhere on my body. Except for well...my menstrual cycle.

As I lied back in bed, I looked up at the ceiling, trying to fall back asleep but also listening in on what the crowd was saying. I then heard footsteps walking through the halls outside my dorm room. I bunched my pillow up to cover both of my ears. Can they shut up already? People are trying to sleep!

"And where did you say he fell, ma'am?" A man asked, his voice trailing down the hallway.

"As he was leaving the room, h-he tripped over and hit the back of his head on my desk." Eva trembled. My eyes widened at the sound of her voice as she past by. I scrambled out of the bedsheets, tripping over my slippers as I left my room. I cracked open the front door and looked down the hall to see her leading a police officer towards her room.

What the heck? What was she up to now?

Her and the police officer's voices could no longer be heard, but I wanted to hear more. Who tripped? Who hit their head?

I gasped then put my hand over my mouth. I hoped that Alex wasn't hurt? I mean who else could she be talking about? If it wasn't Alex then it was the guy she was cheating on him with. I looked at the ground, my mind deep in thought as I imagined Alex in a hospital bed or worse...a morgue.

As if on cue, the police officer and Eva came back down the hall. Eva's eyes were bloodshot and her nose was stuffy as she kept sniffling. I could tell she was sad but something about her demeanor was covertly showing something that was inauthentic. It was as if she was upset about what happened only because she'd get in trouble for it.

"And you say he's your boyfriend?" The police officer asked, writing a few things down in his small notepad. Eva sniffled and nodded her head. Before I could step back into my dorm room to close the door, she locked eyes with me. Her eyes turned almost snake-like before she turned away from me and continued sniffling. The police officer looked my way and gave me a nod as he walked with her.

An unsettling feeling crept up as I put two and two together. If the police officer asked Eva about her boyfriend, then that meant Alex was the one who was hurt. I closed the door and leaned against it, running my hand through my hair. Wait no...that can't be. All that blood on the pavement didn't come from him. If that much blood came from Alex...was he still alive?

I held my chest as my breathing became heavy, thinking about what Alex's last words and last thoughts must've been. No, Violet he's not dead. He's probably just hurt.

But you don't know that.

Shut up!

I let out a deep breath, trying to keep my thoughts contained as I grabbed my phone from my bed. Should I text him and see if he's doing alright? I cringed at the last conversation we had together. It was clear as day that it would take some time for us to be comfortable with one another. I held my finger over his name, contemplating on whether or not I should call him. I didn't want to bother him but then again, something was pulling me to check on him.

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