Chapter 38: A Cheater? Now We're Talking.

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The city passed me by as I raced down the road, the wind whipping into my face through the open shield of my helmet. My heartbeat was a steady thrum in my chest and I was very, very aware of the sky looming above me. The other bikers were in line behind me, trying to get to the first place.

I didn't care when two of them raced past me, letting out hoots of excitement. I ignored them, focusing on the road ahead. It was empty and beautiful in the dark and all mine. It had been a hot minute since I had come to one of the races and how I had missed it.

The past two days had been crazy with going to the doctor's appointment with Kiara and seeing my baby for the first time. Shit just got real and it was messing with my head if I was being honest. I was scared now. The baby was a real thing. I had seen it.

Kiara was not too keen on letting me come to the races tonight but I convinced her. I would have driven myself mad if I hadn't come, if I couldn't get some time away from her and the baby. I knew I was being a coward and perhaps selfish too for coming here and not staying home with my pregnant girlfriend but I needed some alone time. I was aware that I needed quite a bit of alone time. Away from Kiara.

As I turned a corner, zooming past the trees and building my hype up for the tunnel, my phone rang in my pocket. I usually put it on silent when I came to the races but tonight, I hadn't lest Kiara called me. I didn't want to be unavailable when she reached out. I was bummed out about the call though.

Reluctantly, I slowed down and pulled to the side of the road, fishing out the device from my pocket with as much enthusiasm as a kid showed when he was asked to finish the vegetables on his plate. My mood changed slightly though when I saw it wasn't Kiara calling but Eman.

It was almost midnight. Well, it was past midnight and getting a call from Eman so late was unusual. She never called me other than when she had to get an update on Ahvi or ask me to pick her best friend up from somewhere. And neither scenario was a possibility so late because I knew for a fact that Ahvi was at her apartment with her brother.

I had never returned her call from a few days ago, partially because I forgot and partially because I was trying to knock some sense into myself about my whole obsession with Ahvi. Now though, I didn't have a reason to not pick up her call. I knew I was going to be involved in Ahvi's life even if she didn't want to and Eman would just give me a deeper insight into her head because the woman was damn hard to read.

"Are you avoiding me, Hyde?" It was the first question Eman Hashim asked me the moment I answered her call and brought the phone to my ear. I cringed slightly at the sharp tone of her voice. I guess I had pissed off a lot of people in the past few days.

"Why would you think that? You're my favorite woman on this whole entire planet, Hashim. I can't even think about avoiding or ignoring you." I replied, leaning my hip against my motorcycle. All the bikers had passed me by at this point but I was in no mood to race anyway now. I had Eman on a call with me and that meant I could ask her about how her friend was doing since said friend would cut my balls off before she answered my questions.

"Liar." She accused. "I called you like five hundred times and you didn't answer your phone once." She scolded. I suppressed a chuckle because Eman was such a sweetie that even when she tried to seem intimidating, she looked and sounded an angry chihuahua.

"I was busy. I'm so sorry." I apologized because I needed her back on my team. Otherwise, there was no way in hell she would tell me anything that I wanted to know. Also, I truly felt bad for ignoring her calls no matter how much I needed to avoid interacting with her and her friend.

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