Under everyone's more or less hidden gazes, my aunt looked at Sister-in-law Cui with a smile and said, "Hello, please!" She knew that Qiao Haoyu must have recognized this sister-in-law's character before letting her Mention your own.

She looked at the others and nodded to say hello: "Hello!"

Sister-in-law Cui said enthusiastically to her aunt: "Auntie will be with me in a moment. If you don't understand anything, just ask me. I have been with the army here for almost six or seven years. I understand everything and its situation. Then she glanced at Qiao Haoyu standing aside and said, "Battle Commander Qiao, go to work quickly and leave your aunt to me. Don't worry."

"Thank you very much, sister-in-law!" Then he told his aunt and the others to pay attention to safety on the road, nodded to the other women, and then turned around and walked towards the camp.

Knowing that their aunt was not here today, Yangyang and Nuannuan sensibly got dressed and went out to wash up after waking up. The two of them did not wake up their sister and went to the kitchen to find something to eat.

After eating, they continued to heat Wei Jiajia's portion in the pot. Instead of going out to play with the children, they took out their own and started doing homework.

The two little guys discussed it today. They are not going to go out to play anymore, so they will stay at home to take care of their sister. My aunt, brother-in-law and brothers are not at home, so it's time for them to show off.

When Wei Jiajia got up, she saw two people sitting quietly at the dinner table studying.

Wei Jiajia raised her eyebrows, this was not like their usual appearance. You know, in their family, the two youngest ones are the ones who hate studying the most. Their results are simply inferior to those of their elder brothers and sisters.

"Sister, get up!" Seeing Wei Jiajia coming out, Nuan Nuan raised her head and said, then she jumped down from the stool, walked over and stretched out her hand to support Wei Jiajia and said: "Sister, do you want to go to the toilet? Let me help you go!"

Wei Jiajia looked at her series of actions in amusement, and walked out in cooperation, her reminders ringing in her ears from time to time: "Slow down, pay attention to the steps."

When she came back from the toilet and was about to fetch water to wash up, she saw hot water already on the basin stand. Yangyang on the side urged with a smile: "Wash quickly, the water will get cold in a while." After that, she turned around. Go to the kitchen.

Then, she experienced the terrifying feeling of being cared for by children in every possible way.

She had just eaten a little too fast when a childish but yet earnest voice sounded in her ears: "Eat slowly, be careful not to choke." It was exactly the same as her aunt's usual tone.

Of course, Wei Jiajia was so scared that she choked: "Cough...cough...cough!"

Then, Du Yangyang on the other side ran very quickly to pour her a cup of hot water and put it in his hand. He patted her back gently with his little hand and said with a look of hatred on his face: "Look at you. , I told you to slow down, but you didn't listen and you must have choked!" It successfully made Wei Jiajia cough even more...

Finally, she endured the last bite of her meal while they watched, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

It's so difficult for her...

Two small faces that were somewhat similar to hers looked at her with kind expressions, which almost gave her indigestion.

What's going on?

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