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The next morning, Wei Jiajia woke up from hunger.

Looking at the dazzling sunlight shining through the curtains, Wei Jiajia took the watch on the bedside and took a look. Very good, it's past ten o'clock...

This is another day of struggling to get out of bed holding on to my waist.

The culprit's vacation ends today. He worked hard all night and was able to wake up energetically and run for training early in the morning.

At this moment, he was no longer around. Wei Jiajia couldn't find him even if he wanted to curse.

Thinking about last night, she was able to be bullied by him and fainted.

It's really embarrassing to think about it...

He really came here and completely let himself go, without even thinking about whether she could keep up with his pace.

Wei Jiajia muttered to herself while struggling to pick up her clothes and put them on.

Looking at the red marks all over her body, she gritted her teeth and went to the closet to find a long-sleeved shirt.

I thought to myself, if I let him get close tonight, she would be a pig...

Even when she came to the kitchen and saw Qiao Haoyu's warm breakfast in the pot, it didn't soothe her heart of wanting to beat him to death!

Originally, she wanted to go find Sister-in-law Cui, whom she met yesterday, and ask her if she knew where a carpenter could make furniture. This would be her home from now on, and she wanted to decorate it as soon as possible so that she could live comfortably. I don't know how long it will take until Qiao Haoyu takes her there next time he's on vacation!

Unexpectedly, her plan was restrained in the cradle by Qiao Haoyu from the beginning, and her body did not allow her to move much today. It really hurt when she moved.

After Wei Jiajia had eaten, she felt unwell and lay down on the bed again to prepare for a nap.


Qiao Haoyu knew that he was a little out of control last night, and his wife would definitely not be able to get up today, so he planned to go directly to the canteen during lunch time to get some food and bring it back to her.

Seeing Qiao Haoyu hurriedly walking ahead with a lunch box, the leader of their regiment, Qin, called out to him.

"Qiao Haoyu, why are you walking so fast? Food can't run away."

When Qiao Haoyu heard a familiar shout from behind, he stopped and looked over helplessly.

The two commanders and political commissar of the first regiment, as well as several other battalion-level cadres from their regiment, stepped forward.

After the meeting, everyone had agreed to go to the cafeteria to eat together, but in the blink of an eye, Qiao Haoyu disappeared.

Now that they saw him, someone joked: "Camp Commander Qiao, are you afraid that you won't have anything to eat if you go to the cafeteria with us? He secretly ran away alone."

"Don't go so fast. The cooking class didn't spread the goodies today. It's still the same." Someone took it seriously.

Captain Qin also looked at his right-hand man: "Are you dissing us for being slow?"

Only Zheng Kaixuan, who knew and guessed the truth, smiled with a teasing look on his face: "I'm afraid you want to leave quickly so that you can go home to see your wife?"

"Is it true? Is your wife coming to join the army?" Someone who was not well-informed asked suspiciously.

"Can this be fake? Camp Commander Qiao went back to get married this time on vacation. Didn't you notice that today Camp Commander Qiao looks radiant and radiant. When he trained those boys in the morning, he was much gentler than usual. It seems that he is still My wife is so charming!!!"

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