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Early that morning, Wei Jiajia was pulled up from the bed by He Shengnan.

"Don't sleep now, aunt, today is your wedding day!" He Shengnan said helplessly as he looked at Wei Jiajia, who was sitting swaying.

Yesterday, the girls chatted until midnight, and Wei Jiajia was so excited that she didn't go to bed until dawn.

After Wei Jiajia was picked up by several people, it was already dawn!

"Here it comes, here it comes, the groom is here!" Nuannuan ran in with Xiang Qing, closed the door, leaned on the window and looked out.

Several girls also became excited and began to discuss how to embarrass Qiao Haoyu.

Because the famine year has not passed yet, the wedding of the two was very simple. The wedding room and ceremony were arranged at the Zhang family, which satisfied Jiajia's wish to marry from her natal family.

Because there was a wedding held at grandma's house, the two families were too close together, so Qiao Haoyu took several cousins ​​from his uncle's family and rode a bicycle with big red flowers tied on the front of the bike to circle around the alley before returning to Wei's house.

But at the door, they were stopped by Wei Jiajia's younger brothers.

Looking at Xiangdong and Xiangxi, who have grown taller and have become two big boys, and Yangyang, who is trying hard to tighten his expression and block the door with his two brothers, Qiao Haoyu's mood is a little complicated.

This is really... Brother Haoyu is usually the elder brother, but Brother Haoyu is the shorter brother, so why did he become a roadblock today! ! !

"Ahem! You three let me in, and my brother-in-law will buy you whatever you want!" Qiao Haoyu began to bribe a few people.

"No! We can't be bribed with just a little favor!" Xiang Xi glanced at Qiao Haoyu angrily and refused ruthlessly.

Think of him as that glutton in Yangyang who would trick him into secretly calling him brother-in-law when he was ordered something delicious.

Yangyang, the delicious ghost, was given a special lecture by his two brothers today, and he was particularly strong at this moment. He was not bribed by sugar-coated bullets at the critical moment.

Qiao Haoyu touched his nose in embarrassment, thinking that these brothers-in-law are really getting older and less cute! He couldn't forcefully break in, so he had to coax first.

He cursed in his heart. It seemed that when he left this time, he had to add more training items to these boys and let them practice well. Otherwise, they would have too much energy and easily annoy others.

The few Zhang family boys standing behind him couldn't help but laugh secretly when they saw Qiao Haoyu crumbling in front of his brother-in-law.

Several people did not come forward to help, leaving Qiao Haoyu to deal with it on his own. Who has made this kid wilted since he was a child? None of them took the blame for him.

They didn't want to miss such a rare opportunity to see him make a fool of himself.

It's early anyway, so take your time and don't rush.

"Brother Haoyu, if you want to go in, you have to answer a few questions for us first. Only after we are satisfied with the answers can you go in." Xiangdong looked at Qiao Haoyu. As the eldest son of Wei, he had the obligation to let Brother Haoyu here. One day, in front of so many people, I gave myself a guarantee.

"Okay, you ask!" Qiao Haoyu straightened his expression, and then said abruptly: "But you have to call me brother-in-law!"

"Hahaha..." The people behind laughed.

Falling in Love in 1950sOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora