Chapter 18: Day 1 of 365

Start from the beginning

Once I calmed down, I glanced at Robin who had a hard face.

I look back at the water. "Anyways, that's my story. I'm the last survivor of my island, and from what I know about you. You have a similar story." I say, glancing at her once again. "You're from Ohara, right?" I ask as gently as I could.

She froze in place not even breathing for a second, looking far away in thought. After a moment, she snapped out of it and turned her gaze towards me.

"What do you know about Ohara?" She questioned, her voice slightly wavering at the end.

I start to pet Chi as I answer to calm my nerves. "Before I escaped my island as it was being destroyed, my parents left me with a journal. That's how I learned of my island's knowledge of aircraft along with their traditions and other islands that we had affiliations with. One of them was Ohara. We would send our future scholars and teachers to Ohara to train and study their field before returning home."

I glance back up at the ravenette to the side of me. "When I found out about it, I tried to learn everything I could, so that I could continue the traditions of my island. It's one of my dreams to fulfill them all, so I wanted to find someone from Ohara to teach me. That's how I found out about what happened to Ohara, and that's how I learned about you." I pause to let the information sink in.

"You asked why I trusted you. I guess the answer is that I trust my people and they trusted your people, so that means I'll trust you as well." I smile at her. "After all, I was hoping to ask you to teach me one day, so I guess I got lucky that you decided to join Luffy's crew, huh?"

Robin was quiet for a while.

I started to worry about what her response would be. "Don't worry. I won't tell the others about your past. It's not my story to tell. I haven't even mentioned it to Luffy even though we grew up together." I tell her, hoping to reassure her.

She gave me a small smile. "Thank you for telling me your story. I recall hearing about Arocana when I was a girl from one of my teachers. They seemed worried about their friends at the time, but I didn't know why that was the case at the time. Now I know. As for your request, I'll accept." She replied.

I sat there shocked, thinking that I imagined the words that came out of her mouth. "Huh?" I dumbly asked.

"Don't think that because we have a similar past that I'll go easy on you though. I'll be a tough teacher so be prepared." She says before taking another sip of her coffee.

I jump up and give her a hug. "Thank you thank you thank you!" I happily told her. My stomach then growled, causing me to blush in embarrassment in front of her.

She chuckled. "Sounds like you could use something to eat. We'll start your lessons tomorrow." She told me.

I give her another large smile before making my way over to the kitchen to look for some food.

"Chi!" Chi happily squeaked in my ear after jumping up on my shoulder.

"I know I'm excited too!" I told her as I opened the kitchen door and walked inside.

"Excited about what?" Sanji asks, hearing what I told Chi while walking in. He was preparing lunch by the looks of it. I didn't realize it was already that late in the day.

"Morning Sanji!" I greet him. "Robin agreed to start teaching me about history and a couple of other things starting tomorrow, so I'm excited about that." I answered his question.

"Oh? That's kinda surprings." He comments. "I didn't know that you would be interested in something like that." He continues to make his fancy looking sandwiches and what smelled like soup on the stove.

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