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Centuries later

The last of the zombies had fallen to starvation after eating, like in any shrubs from nothing but plant materials they do not have the proper materials to power the powerful brains. Instead, they were instead, weak, as if they were going to die off soon enough from the starvation malnutrition of having no protein or meet. The ones from mighty zombie was one that was going to be the last of the lights forms on this planet, except for the exact lifeforms that had cause this shit show in the first place the micro organisms that we're around to be getting worse before we were at before the zombies came to attack. This is one of the world has started. It was starting all over again, or was it and then just the way it starts at Full circle. We will never know, but as the bacteria in the zombies change, the zombies body chemistry after the last zombie had passed away in other words, decomposition, that was when the last zombie rotted and was now gone to bone, the rest of the bacteria went back to the wild 2 feet off other things that were not affected by this unholy pandemic, or satanic pandemic, and if you would call it that.
Soon the fish we're gone and so are the birds the light was gone the sky was dark, and now there was dressed microorganisms, just hanging around in the dark mark of the water and mud, as well as the other door places in the planet. There is only the song that was around, but this place was like mercury and the Mercury like planet was going to be housed to a lot of extremophile, bacteria and viruses that we're going to one day probably kill off another prominent species, whoever or whatever they may be.

Will evolution start all over again from the single cell organism back to the multi complex organisms. That was the dinosaurs and humans or will it just stays gas allowed forever. We will never know........

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