Mid western united states, 3 weeks later

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With the whole mid west almost infected with the p22-k21 vuris or pilaxia as it was called this was serious this wasn't the shit show any more but instead a storm of hellishness and hopelessness.   Soon it was starting to dip into the wester states.  But was it just pocket this time........there were news on Facebook as well as emergency bulletins but where they legit.   Most things on the social media since covid-19 were all fake new, but the emergency warnings onto  were rumored to to be as well.  Most people who were healthy still were starting to  get disgruntled and were ready to raise up from the military presence and then there was this man. Joe Hill.

"These strict lock downs and then military is a violation of our human rights," he claimed.    " it is time to fight back and not with protests."

He claims that the protests were shot at and some people were kill at the protests.   Which was true.  If it weren't for tje filo virus this would be a legitimate problem for the amnesty to look into but at this point no one wanted to go.to the USA where the real origin of pilaxia was really from.    But some people from Japan and other nations were going to go to  give emergency had at the risk of their own safety.    For most countries they were more less saying that once you arrive at the USA that you were living there.   It was just simple but it was not sounding fair.
But it was a hard decision dor the world leaders to make but it was to help with the rest of mankind.   The needs of the many out weighed the needs of a few.   Was it getting this scarry.    This was starting to look like a horror film.   With the news splashing most of blood soaked us.   But at least the Cubans were not responsible but from a few CIA scientists who gone rogue and wanted to talk control of the world.  But who were they and was this for money.   Or was it for revenge.

Know body new.

Soon there was someone with the sniffles in  the city of LA and that was just starting to bother people.....especially people who read Stephen King's the stand but were was the silver haired good guy fighting the Grimm reaper.    Right now it was just some one with a cold at this point.   But pilaxia was starting to be know to mimic that as well.    And soon it was starting to be mimicking the plague.    With black fingers and toes.  What was going on?!   Was it still the CIA at this or was this now nature.   It looked like nature was talking g hold because it was take  on a mind of its own.  Which was starting to scare people.  

Back in Texas they were using foot ball fields as cemeteries and mass graves for the infected dead and the excuted ill people.  There more the three people on Texas at the point that the last deceased person was buried. These three people where starting to be immune to the pilaxia virus.   But they old live in a soon lonely world...  the there will be less people in the United States.   Or at least west of Texas. 

Would these three people have the antibodies to attack the virus before its too late.  They were immune.    Was this the hope of humanity.

When people got word of these three people there was hop e but for the USA it was to late.   Soon people in the western coast were getting ill day by day.   Soon that person with this sniffles......remember him was starting to show othe symptoms of the virus.    And soon would be violent cause the transmission of pilaxia to more people.   When  the disease started to spread to all of LA and now Hollywood who the fuck was safe at all.    Not very many people were getting the help.  Even the rich and famous were getting violently ill.

Was it too late to help with the three immune people in Texas.  Was their help now too too late.

Pilaxia: a novel about a pandemic (on amazom + complete)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu