Huston texas, a few days later

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With now 200 people dead in Huston from this mysterious virus.  And at least 400 were in hospital. Either showing early flu like symptoms or where attacked by people who were on the cusp of death.    It was rumored that the advance stages of this filo virus was violent attack before the attackers' hearts fails and the die.     This was getting out of hand.   They started inacting a total shutdown except for the pharmacy and grocery stores.   That was also when the town decided to put a mandatory curfew on the city of Huston but now it was going to threw the entire Texan country side.   This shit show was worse that they thought.   What was the mayor supposed to do.  Never main the governor of Texas.
This ebola like virus had Texas on a strangle hold.   
Soon there were people from the CDC centers for disease control and prevention  who were trying to get an understanding of for this situation went a foul so quickly.
This was spreading like wild fire and was not able to be put out for one and not could it be controlled.   With each new day came there were new variants coming out to light one worse and more virulent the the next.  How was it mutating so seemed to be from another world never mind Cuba.   As if this was going strengthen relations with the communist country.
There was even talk in the white house and in the news that this was a bio weapon made by the Cubans.
For it to be a bio weapon it needs to be unrecognizable and/or made in laboratory setting.  This had both signs it seemed.   Was this deliberate.   This starting to scare people of all of Texas.    There was talk of a travel band to Texas and to the Cuban nation for humanitarian needs as well.    No one was supposed to enter or leave Texas with out authorities knowing about it.  And Huston was closed off completely except for food and bottled water.

Soon the virus was moving out of Texas and into most of the Midwest.  When the tri-state area aas expanding into the an outbreak in some pockets of the mid west.   Was the travel ban working.  Were people wearing masks or even washing there hands.  Was this travel ban really working.

People did have to see there relatives and see them to the next unfortunate stage of life which was the after life.   It was unfortunate but most of Texas was infected or were dead or dying of this strange filo virus.   It was still assumed that virus was a distant relative of the ebola virus.   But soon in the Midwest the small pockets of infected communities were getting larger and larger.    Soon half the mid west was exhibiting flu like symptoms.     This was NOW the begging of the end.   Soon this was going to sweep all the way to California and the pacific northwest.   But thar would be a tamer situation.

In the mid west the military were being deployed were they were starting to excute sick people who left their homes never mind the state lines.   In the Midwest states.  

Kansas city was cut off from the rest of society for fear of the spread of the disease to the the western states.   

"What do you got!"
"It's worse than we thought."
"What the fuck......"
"It's a not as a distant relative of it much worse its it a modified version of the virus, by man"
"And where  its origin."
"Langley Virginia...  nit Cuba."
"You mean that rhe CIA were framing the Cubans."
"Yes sir,"
Sam hell."
The two virologists were speaking in almost a whispered in the hopes no one would here them.
"We must tell the president."
"God help us."

When the present got the message that CIA and not the Cubans were responsible for this epidemic.  He roars that he wants answers before the hole country goes out like a light balloon.  But there were still looking into a possible searom.....but when. The whole western United States was collapsing to nothing.   Marshall law ruled half th nation.     And now there was talk of it moving toward the northern borders and the borders between the USA and the Mexico was starting to get on both Canada and Mexico but that was just a rumor.

When the virus hunters came to both Canada and Mexico  but found nothing from both countries except at the boarders.    That was when Canada closed its land boarders to avoid a similar fate.   But what about Mexico...... what was going to happen there was it doomed to.

The virus hunters never found any signs of the strange filo virus that was causing  more death in misery for the states.    But who knows the symptoms.would show up at any time.    It usually takes ebola Zaire to incubate but this one they called Pilaxia virus or p22-k21virus was like ebola on steroids.   It was more than unnatural.

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