President takes ill

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As the president finally way south in the morning, he finds himself in a daze as well as he is in, not the best of spirits as well as he has flu like symptoms something he hoping it was just that the flu but when he ended up getting cash buyers first doctor, that was the one here and it up realizing it was Pilaxia and that it was going to kill him one way or another what is it going to be through dehydration, or what's gonna be through violent behavior, and then haemorrhaging we will never know, but as he knew he was going to have to do some thing about that and that was to tell the American people all about his situation.

People of the United States
I just fell ill with the P22 – K21 virus and I am no longer able to go into office. I have no successors or runner ups for me. My vice president is already dead. He was the one that affected me by attacking me in the first place it seems like he was just trying to be angry at first, but it turned out. It wasn't that when I had my blood tested.
So for the resources to stay strong and brave for the America that we know we love and God bless America and God bless man kind

As he was saying that on the news, his camera guy was dying as well. Just like the Japanese emperor had happened to him when he was saying his final message. It was gonna be a very disturbing way for the president to go by way of insanity and violence, who was he going to attack was gonna be one thing out of his mind that was now going to be feeble but cripplingly smart. It was gonna be a case of him, turning into a zombie something he dreaded as a leader of a nation, but then he had to take what was coming, and that was what it was for him. He had no longer power over his own body, therefore no more power over his own country, the country was now desolate with only a few survivors like any other country in this planet there's only a few that were left to witness the death messages of their leaders before they decide to pass on to the spirit world. This was going to be very disturbing for the 20 or 15 people that were watching if they still had functioning TVs that was.

When he finally said the cut that was when the cameraman it was still continuing he was wondering what was the cameraman doing but it turned out he was actually dying of the plexi a virus peacefully as if it was a completely different thing. That's one of the president decided he was going to close his eyes and then he ended up trying to pass on to the next world. When he did, he end up hearing the voice that he didn't want to hear it was the voice of his White House advisor and he ended up jumping him and biting him on the neck.
This was Warren. He finally haemorrhage to death and the last person in the White House the advisor was the one who was going to pass on alone by clawing at his own eyes. This country was now not called America or the US survey, but instead was called the devils country, for this is where there's devilish virus has started in the first place.
As the world saw that the president attack his advisor that was when we the human race realize that we were in Dire Straits next who is going to be the first to go after him, and the advisor who was going to be the next person who is gonna be the next leader who is going to pass on to the next round from this horrible virus.

Synonym of Canada was getting to be wiped out as well and there were more people in Canada than they were in the US as this was a more safer country. As far as pandemics were concerned we were able to help fight off Covid nine teen, but were we able to fight off Pilaxia?!
That was one of the world or what was left in the world. The zombies Adley saw, was going to shock whatever healthy people were left over...........

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