Brazil, Feburary 4 2024

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As the fisher man near Rio was going to bring today's catch witch was going to feed his family, little did he that he would set off the final cascade for the human race.   He had heard of the virus that was effecting most if the world little did he know that he was bring it to his family.    His kids would be the first ever kids to suffer from the disease.  As the next day his family wasn't feeling good
.....flu like symptoms. The man still made us kids go to school.   Setting off the last of the last.
Soon it was spirit ing to near by Rio and the engulfed all of Brazil.    The kids who were never getting signs or symptoms were the first to go.   It was disturbing  to see many families like his the man couldn't do anything except to watch his whole family be peaceful one minute and blood thirst the next.  Soon the blood thirst was going to become hemorrhaging to death and the becoming violent zombies.   This was bad.  

What did the man catch for dinner that night.


Soon al if Brazil wad infected and soon people like all people decided to neighboring countries and soon thus was going to be a South American phenomenon the last of its kind.   As people were dying of in Brazil then people were getting sick and violent in Argentina   Venezuela, Colombia and Chile and others soon this  romantic but violent landscape was going to get more violent.   But instead of drugs and money driving the violent it was the pilaxia virus.   And soon the at would be the end of the world as we know it......

Pilaxia: a novel about a pandemic (on amazom + complete)Where stories live. Discover now