Mid west and western USA, 6week later

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The first celebrity to fall ill was Jeffery Star.   He was the first in Hollywood tjat would start getting ill.   But he was smart enough to stay home but what about the maid who was coming to clean his house.   She would come when he was in the advanced stages of  the disease and soon attacked her.    The once pretty celebrity was nit looking like a real zombie.   But soon other people where starting to develop now just the severe symptoms.    It was as if it was by passing the immune system.....not it was attacking the brain.   At least with some people.
What happened also was that it was  the season of the wild fire.  So more and more people were either suffering from pilaxia or was out in the open for the attack by the wildfires only ro be attacked by the infected.
There were not many more.health people in the west USA now.  All who seemed healthy were really infected as they were shot by the national guard and then autopsied to see what the disease was going to to next.  

But when person from Washington state when to Japan, this was going to be a situation there too the living assumed for that unfortunate news.  It was just a matter a time before that plane were to land there.    13 hours approximately.  The all hell would rain on the world.   

Meanwhile the authorities had found the Rogue scientists who were creating pilaxia.   They were going to subject to enhanced interrogation techniques which was a small comfort to the people  in the east coast.    The mad scientists of the CIA were more less being tortured to death until either the talk or the they died.   9 out 10 were tortured to death while the 10th was saying that they were both payed by CIA and the Chechen rebells to attack the Russians at their most vulnerable.    When tjat last evil keeled over in pain that was the last of the rogue scientists.   But pilaxia reigned free.          When us government decided to try the human experimentation to try the anti bodies from the the 3 people. In Texas that was when the world was outraged.   But what could a decimated nation do about this situation with out some desperate.   Again the needs of the many where more important then the needs if the needs if the infected.       When the disease spreads to the east USA then things where going to get ugly.  But then the disease was almost a super bug and was starting to resist the anti bodies  if the three remaining healthy people.   This wasn't so rare in bacteria but it was for virual.   For they were hoping to make an anti viral with these anti bodies.   But who does it keep evolving at this high rate.   Some one must people pulling the genetic strings.   But who was it.   For the USA would rather not deal with an nother rogue scientist.    This was starting to fright people more and more.

One kid who lost his mother  to pilaxia a few days ago was knocking on a tree to rouse her spirit from the dead.   The mother died in August 31.  But it was not October 31.   It was an old shaman/pagan belief that If you knock on the tree at Samhain that you would wake them from the spirit world.  And this kid was attacked by many infected people to  just keep knocking desperately at the tree to her his mom to wake up.   When the emergency workers saw him the took him in.....he was healthy.   Not infected but health as this doesn't infect child as it would the adults and older adults.

"Let me go"
"You have to come with us."
"No with out my mom," Bobby was screaming.  "Let me knock on the tree to wake my mom."
"We can't"

This kis was rare as weree the 3 people in Texas would were going to help rebuild society or live in a desolate lonely place.   But the kid had to live..... he was hope.   Hope was Bobby Gribble.   And he was brought to triage with with the remaining  healthy people and they were few and far between.    One if this people they discover was the girl Lisa who had a bad attitude, remeber her.

Soon that will make 15 people who were perfect fine but traumatized.   In the USA.

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