Chapter Eight

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Amelia pond did not want to die. Not in 20 minutes. Or ten. Or three. Amelia pond did not want to go dressed as police kissogram with her childhood best friend, no- boyfriend, trapped in a hospital. Where was her raggedy doctor now? When will he finally show up to save the day? Or will he leave again? Disappear and leave her waiting once more.

The thought made her clutch Rory's hand tighter, staring at the alien who had morphed into a woman with her children. Were they dead now? The woman and her girls? Had the monster taken their face and their breath? Her thoughts were spiralling as the phone buzzed once more.



Without a second thought, Amy yanked Rory down to the floor and braced for some sort of impact. Glass shattered behind them and Amy heard her partner gasp in panic. A window, she assumed, the doctor was going to climb through the freaking window!

"Ladies first!" The doctor gleefully offered as the pair ambled out of the fire truck. Nora glared toward him as she flattened her trousers, fingers tugging at the hem of her shirt.

"So you can stare at my ass? I don't think so buddy." She huffed, hiding the slight grin that had slipped across her cheeks.

"Worth a shot." The doctor laughed as he scrambled up the ladder himself. He paused as they were half way up, gaze dropping down to a breathless Nora behind him. "By all means, enjoy the view I don't mind!"

He grinned before climbing up towards the newly broken window. Nora choked back a laugh, swallowing it back before he would notice. But it was too late, if the noise she squealed wasnt a give away her red cheeks definitely were. As Nora reached the top she was met with an outstretched hand to help her down. Albeit stubbornly, she accepted the help and let the doctor pull her over the broken window ledge. She wasn't going to cut her hands if she could help it.

"Right hello! Are we late?" The doctor laughed as he spun towards the panicked pair. With one tug he had pulled them up to stand, patting their backs as if not in mortal danger. Nora gaped at his blase attitude. Weren't there about to die?! The doctor turned back, as if sensing her panic, and winked.

"Three minutes to go! Still time." He shouted happily at his new companions as if to spread his own enjoyment.

"Time for what, Time lord?" The alien, still shaped as a mother and two children, snapped. Its teeth snarled out towards them like a predator mocking its prey. Nora shuddered at the sight, each white tooth sharpened to a fine point.


The doctor took a step forward, blocking Nora from view. "Take that disguise off. They'll find you in a heartbeat, nobody dies." He proclaimed proudly, waiting for a simple agreement to be made between him and the alien. The irony!

"The Atraxi will kill me this time doctor. I will die. And if I am to die, let there be fire!" The mother retorted, all three faces smug with greed. Or was it pain? Desperation? A need to survive? Wasn't that what they were also trying to do? Fight for survival.

"Okay. You came to this world by opening a crack in space and time. Do it again. Just leave." It was their turn to panic, thought Nora as the doctor made a final plea. He remained assured, confident, but she knew what fear looked like.

The alien laughed bitterly, scoffing at his words as if they were a joke. "I did not open the crack."

"Well somebody did!" The doctor glanced back to Nora, eyebrow raised.

"Don't look at me!" She gasped, narrowing her gaze at the insinuation she could've done it.
That wasn't possible... she was sure.

"The cracks in the skin of the universe. Don't you know where they came from?" The alien bellowed out in humour as if it was implausible. "You don't, do you! The Doctor and miss Wallace in the Tardis don't know. Don't know. Don't know! The universe is cracked!" A child's voice began to sing in glee.

If they didn't look like little girls, Nora would've wipe that—- "the pandorica will open. Silence will fall. And the question will be answered."

"What are we talking in riddles now? My favourite one is about-" the doctor held up his hand toward the clock, sending Nora mute as it chimed... 0?

"And we're off! Look at that!" Everyone glanced up to see the digital clock read 000. How had he managed that? Nora didn't see him go and reset any clock?

"Yeah I know. Just a clock, whatever. But do you know what's happening right now? In one little bedroom my team are working.—"

"— Jeff and the world!" Nora interrupted.

"And do you know what they're doing? They're spreading the word all over the world, quantum fast. The word is out." The doctor carried on, grin wider than Nora had seen before. The arrogance was back.

"And that word is Zero bitch!"

"Nora, language!"


Nearly finished episode one

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