Chapter Five

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Designated driver

Saving the world was a tiring job. Saving the world whilst trying to keep people in check was worse.

Nora had just about settled into a seat when the doctor began to run around the room again, rattling on about fission power and the world ending in 20 minutes.

20 minutes?!

Nora had so much left to do! Like try a cronut... and go on holiday. She was definitely not going to spend her last 20 minutes in a small English town called ledworth!

"Are you the doctor?" In the midst of her daydream a new man had entered. He towered over the doctor with his frame yet appeared almost timid with excitement as he watched the two strangers and his neighbour raid his home.

"He is isn't he? The doctor. The raggedy doctor!" The old lady clapped her hands, looking up to Amy for her answer. The shade of red coating her cheeks was enough to confirm their suspicions.

"All those cartoons you did when you were little! The raggedy doctor. That's him!" She continued, ignorant to Amy's escalating embarrassment.

"Cartoons?" The doctor questioned, glancing back in surprise to see Amy muttering small profanities.

"Gran it's him isn't it? It's really him!"

Nora started to consider if ignorance ran in their family as she watched Amy in amusement. Her cheeks were turning a similar shade to her hair as she flapped at the two to shut up, freckles disappearing with each breath of despair.

Nora crept up beside their new addition, rolling onto the tips of her feet in a bid to reach his ear. "That's really him. I don't really see what all the fuss is about though." She smirked happily as he glanced down at her in confusion.

If the world was ending in 20 minutes, they might as well have a little bit of fun.

"Jeff." He greeted dumbly, a soft smile lifting at his lips. She hummed in response, as if contemplating his answer and her response.

"Jeff shut up! 20 minutes to what?" Amy bickered, swatting away her new friend as she turned back to the doctor.

"Yes Jeff. Shut up." He scowled, already forgetting Amy's question. Big men with little heads, Nora scoffed to herself.

"20 minutes til the end of the world, Amy. The human residence, it's the planet. When I said they want to destroy everything, I meant everything." She answered for the doctor. She wasn't sure whether it was appreciation or judgement rolling off of his body as he mumbled in agreement, already on the next step of his hidden plan. Arrogant, and ungrateful. Nora was going to have to start a list.

"Somewhere up there, there's a spaceship. And it's going to incinerate the planet. 20 minutes til the end of the world." The doctor finished of their explanation with a swell of sullen theatrics. The mood plummeted as those around them finally realised the weight on their shoulders. It was up to them now. A group of strangers. A group of nobodies. And they had to save the world.

"So, anyone got any last words?"

No one quite appreciated Nora's joke as much as she did. Even as they ran from the house, Nora sauntering slowly behind them, humour didn't seem to be in the front of their mind.

"What is this place?" The doctor asked as they marched down the street, scouring for anything that could help them.

"Leadworth..." Amy answered automatically, although hesitant at his sudden relentless behaviour. It was clear there would be nothing in this small town to help them save the world, and Nora wasn't sure how much of her 20 minutes she wanted to spend pretending there was.

"Where's the rest of it!" The doctor continued to moan, ignorant of the others slowing down behind him.

"Pretty sure this is it." She hummed back. As if suddenly reminded of his companions, the doctor whipped around to stare owlishly toward them. Faith still twinkling stubbornly in his eye.

"Is there an airport?" He asked Amy, voice full of panicked hope.

"Nope." The red head shrugged in return. His panic was evolving to insanity, wide eyed and frantic movements making Nora muffle a quiet laugh. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad spending her last 20 minutes with them.

"Nuclear power plant?!"


"Not even a little one!"

"I think we've established we are in the middle of nowhere!" Nora interrupted their brewing fight, stepping slightly in between the pair as to interject further.

"Fine. Nearest city?" The doctor relented, a hopeful glare still present in his eyes. Nora wished she shared that sort of positivity.

"Gloucester, half an hour by car." Amy cringed as the doctor deflated at her words. The end of the world suddenly felt a lot closer than 20 minutes to Nora and she hadn't realised she had been silently wishing for him to find a way out. His hope was begrudgingly infectious.

"We don't have half an hour! Do we have a car?" The doctor soured, searching for something. Anything that would help.

"If we have a car I could definitely get us there in 15 minutes." Nora suggested in full confidence, blissfully unaware of the horror flitting through the doctors expression.

"Nora you are a terrible driver!" He gaped at her, muttering under his breath about not wanting to 'nearly die again'.

"How would you know? I've never been in a car with you!" She snapped, frustrated at their lack of trust. If anything she could've driven for F1 if not chucked around by Time.

"Well I have and you nearly killed me, you've been banned from Driving. Including the TARDIS!"

"Guys! The world is ending!" Amy grunted, grabbing their arms and pushing them all forward until they began their march once more.
Nora remained bitter, glowering towards the Doctor as she was ushered further down the road.

Banned from driving? She wasn't that bad!


Happy coronation day everyone 😉😂

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