Chapter Seven

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Grand theft fire truck

Nora was getting tired of this whole 'the world ends in 20 minutes' thing.

Did they have to keep reminding her that she had yet to live a life? Instead of enjoying her last 20 minutes, finding a pastry shop or cramming in some last minute trouble, she had an annoying doctor forcing her to stay by his side. As if she couldn't be left unsupervised. What's the worst thing she could do in 20 minutes?!

The doctor had sent the awkward couple off on a mission to the hospital, declaring that Nora and himself would steal not only Rory's phone but also Jeff's laptop. Personally Nora had never been a fan of technology. When slipping through cracks in Time one may find it hard keeping up with its ever evolving nature. She'd much rather leave all the technical details to her new prison guard.

They marched straight into Jeff's room, no time wasted to save face. The bewildered man blinked up in surprise, clutching at his laptop as the doctor wrenched it from his hands.

"Hello. Laptop. Give me." He declared, swiping it in the middle of a complaint.

"No, no, no! Hang on!" Nora sat down next to him, choking on her words as she stared at the screen. Suddenly the room had gone black and a hand smothered her vision in a late pretence to save her sanity. That had fled a long time ago.

"Blimey. Get a girlfriend, Jeff." The doctor winced, his hand still covering Nora's eyes. His fingers slowly peeled off as he closed any indecent tabs, huffing under his breath about god knows what, Nora didn't want to know. She smiled hesitantly toward the beet red boy in an attempt to settle his embarrassment.

"I saw nothing." She grimaced a small smile, patting his shoulder as he sunk in defeat. At the commotion, the gran ambled into his room, quizzical at their abrupt entrance.

"What are you two doing?" She narrowed her gaze toward the sheepish pair, suspicious of their overzealous antics. Nora couldn't blame her. This was the second time they had barged into her poor home.

"The sun's gone wibbly, so right now, somewhere out there, there's going to be a big old video conference call. All the experts in the world panicking at once, and do you know what they need? Me. Ah, and here they all are. All the big boys. NASA, Jodrell Bank, Tokyo Space Centre, Patrick Moore." The doctor rambled off as he was tapping in the computer in some sort of hyper focus. If Nora wasn't so techno phobic she might've been jealous of his skill set.

"Oooh I like Patrick Moore." Mrs Angelo grinned wickedly, peering over their shoulders to get a look.

"I'm sure Patrick Moore would like you too." Nora hummed back mischievously, resorting to resting against the wall and watching the group. She wouldn't be much help here. Atleast as bait for the alien in the hospital she would've been of some use.

"I'll get you his number. But be careful, hes a devil!" The doctor matched her mischief, glancing back to see Nora fluttering her eyes closed to nap. Hmrph she always did take the most inopportune time to do something...

"who are you?!" Patrick Moore bellowed, snapping everyone's attention back to the computer. Other than Nora, who had seemingly dozed off temporarily.

"This is a secure call, what are you doing here!" Another agent, they all assumed, yelled through the speaker.

"Hello. Yeah, I know you should switch me off, but before you do, watch this." The doctor rambled aimlessly as the scatter of keys on the laptop filled the air. Nora squinted one eye open in curiosity. What exactly was he doing?

"Fermats Theorem, the proof. And I mean the real one. Never been seen before. Poor old Fermat, got killed in a duel before he could write it down. My fault. I slept in."

Okay, Nora had to admit that was hot. As if he could feel her blush or have heard her admission, the doctor quickly cast her a wink amid his monologue.

"Oh, and here's an oldie but a goodie. Why electrons have mass. And a personal favourite of mine, faster than light travel with two diagrams and a joke. Look at your screens. Whoever I am, I'm a genius. Look at the sun. You need all the help you can get. Fellas, pay attention."

Show off.

Nora had no idea how the doctor convinced NASA level agents to follow his plan. It was a stupid plan. First they had hijacked a phone and now they were speeding down the high street in a stolen fire truck. Before this Nora hadnt stole as much as a paper clip... okay that was an extension of the truth but still, not a freaking fire truck.

She was tapping the different buttons quizzically as they raced down the vacant road. The siren blared, much to the annoyance of the doctor who quickly shut it off. And then the lights began to flash... And the ladder was jerking back and forth.

Nora grinned towards the doctor as he sent her a scowl, even then she could see the corners of his lips turn upward.

"Stop that and make yourself useful. Call Amy." He chucked Rory's phone toward her, entrusting her with the supposed device that was going to save the world. They had met a mere hour ago and he had so much blind faith in her it was daunting. She almost forgot he knows every small detail about her future.

Nora huffed as she tapped away on the screen, slowly trying to figure out how to get to Amy. She saw the fondness on his face before he could hide it away, watching as she suffered. Quietly the doctor helped her find the contact, ignoring the road ever so slightly as they skidded across a corner.

"Hello?" Amy's voice slipped through the speaker making Nora grin in achievement.

"It's me," she responded without thinking before quickly adding on, "Nora. The girl who appeared in your invisible room."

"I know who you are Nora."

"Oh right, yeah. We are on our way. Did you get to the hospital?" Nora sunk further into her seat in embarrassment, ducking away from the doctors endearing stare.

"Yes we are, just about, how exactly are you on your way?" Amy's anxious voice was cut off by the shrill sound of the fire engines siren.
"What did you do!" She gaped in panic, as if their actions would have any repercussions even though the world was ending in... 10 minutes?

Nora smirked as the doctor grabbed for the phone, a similar smile painted on his cheeks. He winked at his partner, mischief rampant on his face.

"Don't worry Amelia. We commandeered a vehicle!"

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