Chapter Four

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Ongoing investigations

That stupid alien voice was everywhere.

The two kept bickering behind her as Nora assessed their surroundings. She could hear that voice coming from somewhere, she just needed to look closer. As they stumbled up to the town square, and the two squawked over Amy actually being little Amelia, Nora noticed a rundown ice cream van and a disgruntled worker hitting his intercom system. Smugness spread across her as she left the two fighting to investigate.

"Why are you playing that?" Nora asked with a light smile, fishing around her pockets for any spare change. Normally she had something in her pocket.

"It's meant to be clair de lune..." the ice cream man shrugged, hand still tapping his speaker as if to switch it back. Nora hummed in response, handing over the small amount of cash she had for a snack. After all, saving the world makes a girl hungry.

The pair finally caught up to her, postponing their argument as they too heard the aliens voice trickle through each speaker in town. Narrowed gazes stared in disbelief as Nora licked at the ice cream, a small white dot coating her nose.

"I've already asked." She shrugged in triumph, happy to be one step ahead for once. The Doctor grinned in unbridled joy as he swiped away the ice cream off of her skin. He liked it when Nora took charge.

"Of course you did! And what do you think now?" He asked eagerly. Nora took a moment to pause, glancing around to see several other devices sounding the same warning.

"I think the human residence isn't just Amy's home. I think they're going to destroy everything." Nora blinked in surprise as the doctor squealed in excitement, launching forward until they were toe to toe. Warm hands graced her cheeks as he pulled her head down to kiss her forehead, joy spreading through touch.

"You are brilliant, Miss Wallace." As if she were a student needing validation, she melted at his reaction. It took a moment for her body to remember he was stranger. To recoil slightly at his touch.

She couldn't help but swoon slightly at his charm. No, arrogance. Nora had to remember he was tremendously arrogant. A little bit charming too.

"Let's go!" He yelled excitedly, pulling at Nora's arm until she was stumbling with him across some poor woman's garden. Nora yanked Amy along with them, letting her go once she realised they were heading straight into a fence.

"I am not jumping that!" She gasped, wrenching her arm free to join Amy along the path. Like a normal person. The Doctor huffed but still let her go, slightly annoyed at the unwillingness to squash a row of hydrangeas. They walked into the home as if it were there own, swooping into the living room to greet an elderly lady and her broken tv.

"Hello there! Sorry to burst in, we're doing a special on television faults in the area." The doctor glanced at Amy's disheveled police uniform
"also crimes." And towards Nora's half eaten ice cream
"and desserts." She waved her hand awkwardly in greeting, still licking at her ice cream. Bless this poor woman and her confusing home invasion.

"I was just about to phone. It's on every channel!" The lady explained, pointing towards the weird looking eye covering her screen. Eyes always freaked Nora out, too squishy and poppable. The up close image unnerved her more.

"It's okay to look away Nora." The Doctor smiled gently at her before focusing back on the tv. Nora nodded, tilting away until she could look out the window. This Doctor was either very observant or very creepy. Either way, Nora wanted to know more.

"Oh hello Amy dear. Are you a police woman now?" The old woman asked in confusion.

"Well, sometimes." Amy hesitantly answered, glancing towards an amused Nora for help. This was too funny to intervene.

"I thought you were a nurse." The lady continued, thoughtfully glancing at the three who waltzed into her home. Hopefully she didn't become too investigative and call the Tv people, Nora thought with a sly grin.

"I can be a nurse." Amy winced, toying with the hem of her shirt as the questioning stare only intensified further.

"Or actually, a nun?"

"I dabble."

The Doctor and Nora exchanged amused looks as Amy crumbled at the topic, earning a harsh glare from their new companion.

"Amy, who are your new friends?" The lady switched her question, smiling at the two giggling behind them. Nora straightened up straight away, silencing herself with her ice cream cone.

"Who's Amy, you were Amelia!" The Doctor stated bitterly. Nora couldn't help but note he had no reason to be so bitter. Wasn't it him who came too late?

"Well now it's Amy." Amy retorted with furrowed brows, crossing her arms out of frustration.

"Amelia pond! That's a great name!" The Doctor pouted, ditching the remote altogether to argue with the red head.

"Bit fairy tale." Nora could tell there was context she wouldn't understand, and let them bicker as she finished off her snack. Sometimes arguments were best left uninterrupted.

"I know you, don't I?" Apparently the old lady did not get the same memo. "I've seen you somewhere before."

It seemed the doctor had been waiting for that question. His grin widened and his expression morphed into mischief. Suddenly he seemed so young, giddy at a simple comment.

"Oh no, not me. Brand new face! First time on!" He pulled his cheeks into different directions as if to emphasise its freshness. Nora couldn't help but find it sweet. She wished she felt that excited at the idea of her appearance.

How exactly had he got a new face? Nora hoped it wasn't in the same way Arya Stark attained faces. That would definitely put a downer on her day.

"What sort of job is a kissogram?" The Doctor moved the topic forward, looking over the old lady until he focused on Amy. The charm that had brushed Nora had gone in a flash of annoyance. They had watched Amy dodge that question for five minutes with the sweet old lady only for him to drag it back up. By the steam rolling off of Amy, Nora could see she felt the same.

"I go to parties and I kiss people. With outfits... it's a laugh." She muttered, glaring towards the Doctor to silently get him to shut up. If it didn't work, Nora would smack him instead.

"You were a little girl five minutes ago!" He cried out instead, whining at the thought of that little girl in mismatched shoes and her PJs doing such a weird job.

"You're worse than my aunt." Amy groaned frustratedly. She noticed Nora edge closer, hand flexing in preparation. Atleast she was on her side, as a duo they could definitely take him on.

"I'm the Doctor. I'm worse than everybody's aunt." Nora laughed at that, furrowed brows softening with each jump of her shoulders. Her giggles were un-uniformed, squeaking and snorting as she tried to snuff them away with her sleeve. They spread infectiously to those around her, forcing pursed lips to tilt upwards. The doctor groaned at the pair chortling to themselves, muttering under his breath.

"And that is not how I'm introducing myself." If these girls continued to team up to annoy him he was going to have to ditch them on some deserted planet.

He took a moment to pause at the thought of peace that would follow him then. When he looked again, he was filled with warmth instead. Nora and Amy continued to laugh in hushed whispers, nudging eachother as they joked and jibed. Yeah, he thought, peace would be far too boring.


Happy first of march! X

Transcendent | 11th DoctorМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя