Chapter Two

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Home invaders

He had told her not to go in. He had begged her to stay and help him out of the handcuffs. But this was her house. Amy had lived here for years, over a decade. No room in her house should be off bounds for her. So she ignored him.

Each step fell heavy against her floor boards. The door handle coated in dust from being ignored for years. But the room itself was unassuming. Barren. Nothing but a table and a crack against the wall. And... and a girl?

"Get out of there right now!" The stranger yelled, voice strained as if it physically hurt him for her to ignore his demands.

"Oh shit."

Now there were two intruders. One unconscious, laying on a filth covered floor. And another chained to her radiator.

"Oh shit? What do you mean oh shit!" Panic was rising in his tone until is sounded almost like he were begging.

Something inside of him had suddenly snapped to attention. Not now. Not now. Not whilst he had no TARDIS and no Screwdriver.

"There's a girl on the floor."
Seriously? Her timing was always those few minutes off!

"Pull her out of there, get out now!" Amy hoisted the limp legs until she had a steady grip and yanked the girl across her floorboards until she was slumped in the corridor.

Still lifeless and unbothered about the change of scenery, the girl crumpled back into the floor. Just as Amy was about to turn back to the raggedy man to ask if he knew her, a shiny glint of metal caught her eye.

"Did you say you lost your screwdriver? Silver, blue at the end?" She called out into the thick air as the man rattled his handcuffs in a fit to escape.

"My screwdriver? Yeah." He sighed, attempting to focus on his imprisonment and not on the new addition laying still on the floor.

"It's here." He hummed half heartedly, finger nails digging at the lock mechanism to make it open. If he could just sonic his way out of this.

"Must of rolled under the door."

A beat of silence. Uncomfortable and deafening silence.

"Must have. And then it must've jumped up on the table." Amy yelled back into the corridor, still lost to the confinements of her new room. That had caught his attention, focus lost from his false imprisonment, a new wave of panic shrouded his senses.

"Get out of there!" He screamed, toppling forward to summon the police woman back to the corridor. As if on cue, their new addition began to stir. She groaned into her shoulder, hair ruffling underneath each heavy breath. Now was not a good time. Not at all.

"Corner of your eye." She mumbled into the air, unknowingly and seemingly unafraid. A scream startled her awake as Amy came pouncing out of the room, chucking the screwdriver towards good old raggedy man to save her in time for once.

The new girl, who looked no older than Amy and who had frazzled dirty blonde hair that stuck up each and every way, sprung upright until she was left staring towards the other stranger.

Amy had been wrong before. Surely now her day couldn't get any worse.

"Nora, darling. I was wondering when you were gonna show back up. Bad timing though, like always." Raggedy man announced as he fiddled with the screwdriver and the lock. Both girls glanced at each other, equally confused expressions sketched onto their features.

"You know her?"

"You know me?"

That made the stranger pause. He glanced up, almost concerned at the sense of unfamiliarity surrounding them. Two strangers sat staring at eachother.

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