Chapter 22

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Ewan's POV

"Woooooo!" Michelle says, taking another shot. I've lost track of how many she's had. She's brilliant. And she'll be even more brilliant once I get her away from Hope Mikaelson and the rest of her useless friends. Tomorrow night Michelle and I are leaving Mystic Falls. There's a huge risk she'll turn her stupid humanity on while she's here, and I can't have that happening.

"Michelle," Hope says from the corner of the room. She's been like that for over half an hour, just observing, not saying anything. Not that I'm blaming her. The music in the Grill is so fucking loud, if she did say anything, we wouldn't be able to hear her.

"What?" Michelle replies, laughing.

"Let's play truth or dare. All three of us." she says.

This could be interesting. Whatever she's planning on doing, it's not going to work. Michelle is too far gone.

"Okay, Hope, truth or dare?" Michelle asks.


"Are you still in love with me?"

Michelle smiles, keeping eye contact with Hope. Surprisingly, Hope is also looking into Michelle's eyes, not one bit of fear showing in her face.

"Yes." she answers. I swear I see a flash of something in Michelle's eyes when she hears this. Neither of them are saying anything, just quietly looking at each other. I can't let this happen.

"Michelle," I say. "Truth or dare?"

She finally snaps out of whatever trance she was in. "Dare."

"I dare you to take another three shots."

"That's so fucking easy," she says, taking the three shots. The more drunk she is, the better.

"Michelle, truth or dare?" Hope says. Fucking hell if she keeps going all lovergirl on Michelle I'm going to gauge out my own eyes.

"Dare." Michelle replies.

"I dare you to kiss me."

Hope's POV

I know it's a long shot, but I know there's something still in there. The way she looked at me when I said I still love her. There was definitely something in there, I just need to figure out a way to get it back.

"What? No!" Ewan says, acting like an angry toddler.

"Shut up, Ewan." Michelle says, not looking at him. "A dare is a dare."

I smirk at Ewan, knowing he's extremely pissed off. She slowly walks towards me, smiling. I cup her face in my hands and bring her lips to mine. The kiss is soft and warm. God I've missed this so much. My perfect girl. She wraps her arms around my waist and keeps kissing.

"Oh my God, stop. What the fuck?" Ewan says, which makes her pull away from me. Her beautiful blue orbs stay on mine for a split second before she backs away to get a drink of whatever she's having now.

"Low fucking blow, Hope." Ewan says, making sure Michelle can't hear us.

"I will do anything to get her back."

Ewan gives me the dirtiest look I've ever seen. Michelle comes back, looking completely different from 30 seconds ago when we kissed.

"Okay bitches," she says. Definitely different. "Look, I'm bored or truth or dare. Let's get out of here."

"Exactly what I was thinking." Ewan answers. Ugh I hate this guy.

"Let's go back to Ewan's dorm. It's a cozy place, perfect for other activities." she smirks.

Michelle You Are A Monster From Hell (Hope Mikaelson x female oc)Where stories live. Discover now