Chapter 10

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*Hope's POV*

I wake up next to Michelle in our dorm... half naked.

Last night got a little bit intense, (if ykyk :0).

Michelle is sleeping with her arm wrapped around me and only a bra on. I doubt she'll remember much from last night. She was wasted. It was good though. Really good.

But what happens now? Do I wait until she wakes up and then we cuddle? Do I sneak out on her? Do I get out of bed to shower so I don't smell like a caveman?

The last one seems most promising.

I gently lift her arm off me and place it beside her. I sit up and just as I place one foot down,

"Sneaking out on me this early?" her voice rings out.

"I thought you were asleep." I say softly. I turn to look at her and see her eyes are still closed.

Fuck, she looks beautiful.

"I was." she pauses. "Light sleeper."

I think of what I should say next. And I don't fucking know. What do you say to your best friend/ sorta girlfriend/ idfk after having sex.

Dragging me out my thoughts, Michelle wraps her arm around my waist and pulls me back into bed. My body is pressed up against hers and I'm so very comfortable.

"Shouldn't we get out of bed soon?" I ask.

"Probably." she replies.

I turn around so our faces are almost touching. She does nothing. I think she's asleep again. I plant a soft kiss on her lips and close my eyes again, falling asleep.

Aight soooo, I'm back. School started and I'm so fucking over it tbh. I will try to publish another chapter today but no promises. What y'all thinking about this one tho?

Michelle You Are A Monster From Hell (Hope Mikaelson x female oc)Where stories live. Discover now