Chapter 21

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Hope's POV

"I don't think I can do this." I say. I'm standing outside of the Grill with Lizzie and Rafael. We should be going in to see how bad no humanity Michelle is, to see how easy it might be to get her back, but I don't think I'm strong enough to. Every time I think about it I'm reminded how all of this is my fault. Michelle wouldn't have turned off her humanity switch if I hadn't cheated on her.

"Oh my God, Mikaelson! Suck it up." Lizzie snaps. I look to Rafael for help.

"I'm sorry, Hope, but you kinda did cause all this, so you have to help us fix it." he says. I suddenly burst into tears. Everything is just so overwhelming.

"I know it's my fault! I KNOW! I shouldn't have done it! I hate myself!" I sob.

"Hope-" Rafael tries to speak.

"I don't know why I did it, okay?! I was stupid and now Michelle won't ever forgive me and everyone hates me and I just-"

My sentence is interrupted by Lizzie's cold hand bitch slapping me.

"You're damn right, Hope! It is all your fault. And instead of helping Rafael and I you're throwing a goddamn tantrum. Grow the fuck up!" Lizzie screams. She rests both her hands on my shoulders and looks me in the eyes. "You're not my favourite person right now, but we need you. Michelle needs you. So stop crying and let's go see Michelle."

She's right.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Let's go."

Rafael holds the door open for us and Lizzie goes in first. I take a deep breath then follow her. The music is blasting, louder then usual. It's so crowded.

"Hey Lizzie, I don't think we're going to be able to find Michelle in this big ass crowd." Rafael says.

"Oh, I think you're wrong." Lizzie mutters, pointing to a table.

Oh my God.

Michelle is dirty dancing with two random girls on a table. She's almost naked, wearing dangerously short denim shorts and a bikini top. One of the girls gets a bottle of tequila and pours it into Michelle's mouth while the other bends down and licks up her leg. I tear my eyes away. I'm not allowing myself to cry. I look over to Rafael and Lizzie who are staring with wide eyes.

"Hello everybody!" Kaleb says into a mic. Everyone goes quiet to hear what he might say. "Loving the vibes tonight guys. Now lets give a huge round of applause to our main girl Michelle! It was her idea to throw this party tonight, I think she called it, 'Slutty Parttayyy' We love you Michelle."

Michelle blows a kiss to Kaleb. My eyes almost start to water.

"Now to get to the main point of the party," Kaleb continues. "Can everybody find a special partner and stay with them the whole night! That's right, one special person and you can do anything you want with them the whole night! Then, when tonight ends, you decide if you would like to take things further with your person. Everyone understand? Cool! Go!"

I look over to Michelle, who is jumping off the table. Surely she won't actually find a partner, right? I mean-

Ewan walks to Michelle and gives her a kiss on the cheek. She starts laughing. I don't knw who this Ewan guy is but I don't have a good feeling about him.

"Let's go talk to her." Rafael says.

"No, we can stay here. Hope, you need to go speak to her."


I speed walk over to them before they can do anything else.


"Oh, hey Hope." Michelle says while Ewan is kissing down her neck. "Fancy seeing you here."

"Can we talk? Please?"

"Go for it. Speak your heart out." she says, laughing. I think she's drunk.

"Alone. I need to speak to you alone."

"Anything you need to say to me you can say to Ewan, right love?" she says. Ewan mumbles something, still leaving hickeys on Michelle's neck. I think I'm turning red with anger.

"Fine. Just, please get him off you." I say.

"Oh, a bit jealous are we?" she laughs. Ewan gets off her, looking annoyed. "Speak."

"Look, Michelle, I'm so so sorry. Really, I don't know what went on in my mind by going off with Josie. It was so stupid, I shouldn't have done it." I think I'm close to crying again.

"Cool." she replies.

"Cool? What do you mean Michelle?"

"I mean cool. I don't know what you want me to say Hope." she laughs again. Ewan wraps his arm around her waist and smirks.

"Look, I know you have your humanity turned off but you don't need to act like this just to get back at me."

"Hope love, having my switch flipped means I don't feel anything. So I couldn't care less about making you feel sad or jealous. I'm just having fun." she shrugs.

"Now go away you're ruining our night. I'm supposed to be bonding with my partner, not her cheating ex." Ewan speaks for the first time since I approached them.

"Please Michelle, just give me tonight to try and explain everything, and if you're willing to forgive me and have our lives go back to normal, great. If not, you can keep going with Ewan."

Michelle thinks about this for a second, then looks from me to Ewan and back at me.

"Fine." she says.

"What?" Ewan asks, looking offended.

"All three of us can hang out tonight, and you can both show me what you have. I'll make a decision by tomorrow on who I want. Is that okay with everyone?"

Ewan nods.

I know I shouldn't, but it might be the only way to speak to Michelle.

"Okay," I say.

quite a short one but Ill release another chapter very soon x

Michelle You Are A Monster From Hell (Hope Mikaelson x female oc)Where stories live. Discover now