Chapter 11

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*Michelle's POV*

I'm currently sprinting through the Salvatore Boarding House to find Lizzie. Sure, I pulled that whole bullshit to Hope about sneaking out on me, but I kinda just ran out on her. Unlike me, she's more of a heavy sleeper. I need to tell Lizzie what happened. Now.

I'm not even fucking sure what happened. I remember most of it pretty clearly though. I wasn't as drunk as everyone thinks... I hope.

All I know is that I enjoyed it.

I loudly knock on the twins' dorm. I expect to see Lizzie opening the door, but instead, a startled Josie appears.

"Michelle. Are you okay?" Josie asks.

"Yeah... Um... Do you know where Lizzie is?"

"She's getting ready."

"Is she in the bathroom?"

"Yes, why-"

I push past Josie and bang on their bathroom door before entering.

"JOSIE WHAT THE FU- Michelle?!"

Lizzie has a pair on jeans on and a bra. Clearly she didn't get to put her top on. I slam the door shut and lock it.

"Nice outfit." I say.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" she asks throwing a white t-shirt on.

"Me and Hope had sex."

"WHAT?!??" she screams. "When? How? How was it?!"

"Calm down will you?"

"Sorry." she slows down. "Tell. Me. Everything."

I tell Lizzie everything and she is so excited.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD! Was she good? Who was top? Who was bottom? Did yous use protection?"

"Lizzie, we're gay."

"Oh, yeah." she bursts out laughing. "Did yous cuddle when yous woke up?"


"Don't tell me you snuck out on her!" Lizzie raises her eyebrows at me.

I stay silent.

"You snuck out on her didn't you?"

"Yeah... But we both woke up earlier and she tried to run out and I pulled her back into bed and we cuddled for a bit!" I say, running out of air.


"Ye, damn! The fuck do I do now?" I ask.

"Well you have to talk to her."

"No shit Sherlock." I roll my eyes. "What do I say?"

"That depends on how you feel. Do you want a relationship with her?" Lizzie says pulling the 'therapist face.'

"I think?"

"Then tell her. Tell her you really enjoyed last night and want a relationship with her."

"That sounds a bit shit though. 'I enjoyed having sex with you last night, let's get together!' " I mimic.

"You tell me then, did you feel anything for her before you... slept together?"


A question I don't even know the fucking answer to.

I take a minute to think about it.

"I guess I did feel something. A little. I guess she intrigued me, and it made me sort of want her. When she kissed me, it felt like everything exploded, but then I thought she didn't even have feelings for me and I felt quite shit. But last night-"

"Ok so you were in love with her for quite a while." Lizzie smiles.

"I wouldn't say I was 'in love' with her."

"You were. Only love makes you that crazy babe."

"Ok, fine. Maybe I did like her before last night, but what do I do?" I sigh.

"You tell her exactly what you feel."

"That's easier said than done-"

"Lizzie, Michelle! Hope's here for you!" Josie's voice sounds from behind the bathroom door.

"FUCK. FUCK. SHIT." I whisper rather loudly. Lizzie hits my shoulder, trying to encourage me. "The fuck do I do?!"

"Improvise." Lizzie gives the shittiest advice she's ever given. "Just a second!"

"Bro- I literally can't go out there!"

"Yes you can!" Lizzie grabs me by my shirt, opens the door and shoves me out, walking behind me.

Ok guys, I know I don't really update but here is another shitty chapter. Please give me suggestions, idfk what to do next. anyways, vote and comment if you liked this chapter (I didn't)

Byeeeee <3

Michelle You Are A Monster From Hell (Hope Mikaelson x female oc)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt