Chapter 13: Got Them Happy Feet (Part 1/2)

Start from the beginning

Eris looks surprised, her tough exterior momentarily softening. "You... understand?" She hesitates for a moment before continuing. "Yeah, it does feel like a show, and it's not really 'me,' you know? But if you think it's possible to make it more fun, maybe I could give it another try."

I nod with an assuring grin. "Good, because you should keep this in mind. You will have more people who genuinely care about you there. Your parents, your grandpa, Rudy, Ghislaine, and me! Plus I would like to dance with you once for your birthday as well." I  give her a soft grin, scratching the back of my head with my usual bashful expression taking place.

At the end of the day, in this world, I am a thirteen-year-old boy. I needed to have some normalcy with women, can't dig the big mommy waifus all the time. So, did I have a small crush on Eris, yeah, obviously. Definitely hard to keep in mind that sometimes liking people my physical age is okay for my situation. Does that give me an advantage, yes, most definitely. But let's not talk about that.

Anyways; Eris's eyes widen, her tough demeanor crumbling for a moment as she considers my words. Then, she smiles back, albeit reluctantly. "Alright, fine. If it means that much to you and the others, I'll give it a 'really' try. But you better not make me look foolish, got it?"

I stand up, clapping my hand once in excitement."Good, you won't regret it. Now, tonight I will be helping you and Rudy with dancing." I walk away giving her no time to fight me on it. Not that Eris would anyway. I reach for the doorknob, before opening the door. "I appreciate you dancing on your own time as well. It's very good for your footwork which you can incorporate in combat." I advised as I walked out, closing the door behind me.

As the door clicks shut, one can almost hear the gears turning in Eris's head. The idea that dancing could improve her combat skills seemed to resonate with her, and I sense that she's more open to the experience now.


It was now late at night, Rudy and I finished trying to learn Beast God language, but to our avail, it's as hard as it looks. We figured we would ask Ghislaine tomorrow for some help.

I noticed Rudy went to continue his carving on a figurine of Roxy, I walked over to him, hovering over his shoulder watching him do work.


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My eyes widened; I was impressed."That looks really good, Rudy." I compliment.

Rudy looks up, clearly pleased with my compliment, and puts the carving tool down. "Thanks, Wilb. It helps to think about something familiar when you're far from home, you know? Plus, Roxy is cute."

I nodded sternly in agreement to that.

He then asked me for my critique. I nod my head once more, happy to oblige, I continue by pointing at the details he put on figurine.  "Yeah, I get you. And from what I can see,  you did a great job. To start off; the creases in her attire and the sense of movement in her stance in impeccable. The little lines you put on her staff, I could go on. You already know I was a Digital Illustrator, so I have that artistic eye, and it looks good Rudy, so don't be so humble." I chuckled, popping a squat on his bed that was next to his desk. "So, you wrote your letter to Roxy already? Think you can ask her about trying to get us some books on 'Demon God' language too?"

Digital Illustrator's Reincarnation (Mushoku Tensai x Semi-OpMale OC)Where stories live. Discover now