Chapter 10: Attack Of The Killer Robot

Start from the beginning

Blue: I see, so it wasn't hate at all from the beginning, there was love and care

Sans: Yeah but happy endings aren't permanent nowadays. One day, after becoming terminally ill from consuming buttercups, Chara expressed the desire to see the Golden Flowers found in her home village. After her death, Chara's SOUL was absorbed by Asriel, and they shared control over his body.

Blue: She died?

Sans: And then she took control, Chara carried her own corpse across the barrier and wanted to use her full power to destroy the humans that were attacking her and Asriel.

Blue: I'm not surprised, Humans like to commit conflict, and I'm assuming they died, right?

Sans: No, because Asriel resisted Chara, which ultimately led to the humans killing the fusion of the two SOULs.

Blue: That is tragic......

Sans: You're right about that. Chara's body was originally laid to rest in a coffin in the basement of the castle, where the bodies of the other fallen humans would later be put.

Blue: More humans that were killed after Chara?

Sans: Yeah, but then Toriel left Asgore because he wanted every human dead if they step foot in the underground. She carried Chara's body to the Ruins and gave her a proper burial.

Blue:......That is a lot to take in, this story of the first human

Sans: Yeah, but you deserve to know the truth. You've been left in the shadows for too long, but you still need to know why Chara is back

Blue: Before, I would say that it's impossible....but after all I have been through. I don't think it is.....

Sans: You're right, everytime Frisk falls down, it's on top of that flower patch, right?

Blue: Yes, what does that have to do it with all of this?

Sans: Well, it's Chara's grave, and as Frisk kills more and more monsters, Chara's evil spirit begins to manifest and reside in Frisk. Now she is there permanently, Chara is beyond the timelines now, she will always be there and that makes her a threat.

Blue: So how do we remove her from Frisk?

Sans: We can't, unless we have access to really powerful magic. But if we were to get it and seperate the two, we would still need to stop Chara

Blue: And how do we do that?

Sans:.....We kill her

Blue: But, do we really need to go through with that?

Sans: Blue, she is a Demon at heart, there is no other way. She won't stop and will never consider it, she wants to destroy humanity and no one on the surface will be able to stop her.

Blue: But-

Sans: Sorry Kid, I've tried.....when the time will have to do it

Blue: Me? Why not you?

Sans: Like I said, I tried, but she keeps coming back and all of our battles end up with me.....dead.

Blue: Because their determination brings them back.

Sans: Yeah, but you however, you're much stronger than me already. I guess it is because you're a human but there is something else about you that makes me believe that you will be able to do it

Blue: That's.....a lot of belief in me, but I don't want to kill, that is something I cannot do

Sans: I know, but at some points in will have to do what it takes to survive, to save the save reality

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