Opening Up

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It was another bright and early morning. Unlike many furs, I'm actually a morning bird or rather a morning fox. At 25 years old, many of my friends are often out partying late. But I much prefer the feeling of the fresh sun as it comes over the horizon. After all that's why I am the first person here to open the doors to the daycare.

Walking in there is to be expected a strong nursery scent of baby powder. I always loved that smell. Inside is as disastrous as one could imagine. Toys are everywhere, but that is to be expected working at SunnySide daycare. Upon that there are lots of diapers and changing tables for the multiple little toddlers that stroll into the daycare. We cater to tykes ages 1-4, which means lots of diaper changes. There are little to no children who are at the stage to attempt or even think about potty training here, which means lots of dirty diapers.

Luckily, I am not the only one on staff this morning. I watch as the a strikingly good looking lion walks through the door in his pastel blue uniform shirt and beige shorts matching mine.

"Morning Blake" I say shyly waving at him

"Good morning Drew" he replies back

I couldn't help but blush. I had always had a huge crush on him since I had started. He was only a year older then me and just something about him was so cute. I always wanted to hang out with him but never gathered enough courage.

Regardless, I had to leave my daydreams behind as our first charge entered the building. A small pup named Nick walked in wearing a cute onesie that rapped around his adorably cute diaper. I watch as young pups, kits and cubs waddle inside to play. Many dressed in only a diaper and shirt, since that diaper will likely last only a few hours at best.

"Good morning Drew" a wolf father says to me

"Good morning Mr. Walker" I replied

"Good morning Willy" I said to the 4 year old wolf pup below his father who was wearing a red shirt and race car pull-ups

"Drew, I just wanted to let you know that Willy here is trying potty training, I know I know he's a little late but we're giving it a try..." Mr. walker began

"That's great to hear! I wasn't potty trained till I was 6 so no worries" I reassured

"Exactly what I was thinking" Mr Walker continued

"Anyway, I was hoping you could keep and eye on him and get him to try the potty. If he has an accident that's alright, just put him back in his diapers, we aren't rushing his potty training"

"That sounds great! Luckily Willy is the only charge that is trying potty training so I'll keep a close eye on him" I said

"That would be great! Thanks Drew have a good day" Mr. Walker said as he left

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