Chapter 11 - Rest Now, I'll Stay By You

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Chapter 11 — Rest Now, I'll Stay By You


Shania sturs awake as her body is lowered gently to the covers of her bed, the feeling of Obi's warm arms slowly retreating from her form. On instinct, she turns over to hold on to that warmth, but he is already out of reach. Her eyes quint open and spots the man dropping himself down on her desk chair. It's a small wooden thing with a tattered cushion on the seat, but it's cute in its own way. Obi offers a grin when he catches her looking his way and she shoots one right back.

"Did you carry me all the way back?" She asks words slurring together.

"Yes," he replies. "I'll admit, you're heavier than you look."

"It's all this muscle," Shania chuckles and attempts to flex her biceps, the muscles rising very slightly before fatigue weighs them down.

"Alright, Miss Muscle, go back to sleep."

"But I just woke up."

"You need to rest."

"I'm not tired."

"Obviously, says the one too tired to keep her eyes open."

Shania sticks her tongue out like a child, drawing an amused chuckle from her companion. But he's not wrong and she knows it. Admittedly, she wishes to spend more time with him, as their encounters have been, although frequent, very short with Obi being called away by his Master more often than not. She sometimes wonders what his job entails as a Royal Messanger to the Second Prince. She hopes it's not too tiring.

"Can you stay for a bit longer?" Shania asks casually as she allows her eyes to close again.

"I'm not going anywhere," Obi replies.

"Thank you... Oh! There are a few blankets in the bottom drawer. Feel free to get comfortable."

"Thank you, but I won't be sleeping."

"Do you even sleep?" The question comes out without thought, and Shania recoils as she feels the silence become tense for a moment.

"I'm a night owl is all," Obi says simply.

The silence remains for some time after his answer. She feels like he isn't being completely honest, but who is she to judge. After the nightmare she had, she was willing to get injured by working instead of daring to sleep again. But this doesn't stop her from pondering his reasons.

"Earlier... I was reliving an old memory," Shania begins. "It wasn't a happy one, so I was too scared to go back to sleep. So... Thank you for helping me. You distracted me and comforted me. Even now you're staying by my side... and I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome, Nia," Obi replies, his voice breathy. He holds the quiet for several moments, though this time more comfortably. Slowly he lifts his voice. "I had a nightmare a few evenings ago... I couldn't save someone close to me. I haven't been able to sleep properly since."

Shania moves the covers off of herself and groggily stumbles over to Obi. She plops down on the ground and gently places a hand on his knee. Obi doesn't move but watches intently. He isn't sure how to take the sudden contact, whether it's a conscious decision or if she has suddenly started sleepwalking. Nevertheless, He observes and the two sit in silence. After a moment Shania's head starts to droop, lower and lower, her neck resisting but ultimately failing. Her forehead makes gentle contact with his leg and doesn't come back up.

"Nia?" Obi asks quietly.

No reply.

So, he tries lifting her hand off his knee, but it doesn't budge. Shania's grip tightens and Obi again calls her name. Still no response. He tries again and yet the hand stays in place, the material of his pants tugging at the back of his knee awkwardly. He eventually gives in and sighs.

"You don't want to make this easy do you..."

With more difficulty Obi grabs around Shania's arms and back, pulling her into him to grab on more securely. He stands from the chair and walks back to Shania's bed, lowering the sleeping female onto it, successfully keeping her asleep this time around. Shania's hand still remains grappled to him but on his outer jacket now. He contemplates staying beside her for the night, nearly giving in to the temptation of company. But he shuts down the thoughts quickly, pulling himself out of his jacket, laying it beside the woman and slipping away into the sunrise.

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