Chapter 14 - Proposal

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Chapter 14 — Proposal


Shania stands frozen in the centre of Izana's study, hands balled in fists, mouth slightly agape. She tries to speak, but her words catch in her throat. "P-Prince Zen?" She echoes back Izana's words. "Mar—Marry Prince Zen?"

The First Prince doesn't respond, knowing she has heard him. He waits patiently for her bewilderment to subside, a ghost of a smile on his lips. He has a look in his eyes, one Shania has seen too many times not to know.

"Have you discussed this with the Prince?" Shania asks.

There is a pause before he speaks. "I've made my intentions clear that I wish him to marry someone with status."

Shania holds down the urge to scoff, knowing full well he is referring to Shirayuki whom Zen has been spending a notably large amount of time with. "I'm sorry, Your Highness, but I must refuse your proposal," Shania bites back, trying with every fibre of her being not to yell at the top of her lungs. "You know very well that I would not like to share my status—"

"Lord Brother?"

Shania freezes once again.

Zen's familiar voice rings out into the stale-aired room. He and his usual companions step forth into the room, all looking somewhat perplexed. "Why have you sent for me?"

Izana looks out the window lazily, explaining, "I had hopes of telling you that your engagement was set. But sadly, Shania has declined my offer."

"What?" The second prince exclaims rather loudly.

Shania does not turn from the first prince, eyes stubbornly locked on his desk. Her eyebrows are crinkled, and her mouth is set in a firm line.

"Shania, is this true?"

"...I was asked, yes. Did I decline? Yes." Shania replies briskly. Her jaw clenches as Obi makes a sound as if to interfere but is cut off by his superior.

"I would have thought you to pick someone with a status, Lord Brother," Zen bites, not meaning it to offend Shania in any way. "Choosing royalty would have been your first intention, given you wish to keep Shirayuki and me apart."

"And what makes you think I have not chosen that?" Izana quips.

Shania's head turns sharply towards the first prince, her horrified eyes not diswading the knowing smile resting upon his lips.

"Lord Brother?—"

"I think it is about time they knew?" Izana says. "They are your dear friends, aren't they?"

"Izana—" Shania tries desperately to keep the prince silent, but at this point, her own responses are letting down her cover.

"Shania, what is he talking about?" Zen asks.

The female swivels from both princes in turmoil. Of course, she wants to stay quiet but so much has already been said. If no answers are given, then assumptions will take their place.

"Shania?... Are you—" Zen tries to ask but can't get the words out.

It seems about time to give in. She lets out a sigh.

"Royalty, no..." Shania replies, pulling a necklace from beneath her collar. "I was close to becoming one—by marriage—but no. I am simply a noble who once worked in a royal library. I grew close bonds with the first princess and second prince of the Falthorn kingdom and I was gifted this necklace as a token of our relations... Does that answer most of your questions?"

"The fires," Zen begins. "They burnt down the entire kingdom. Is that why you have those scars?"

"Yes... I was caught in part of the castle trying to find anyone who wasn't already... gone. Eventually, I fled, but with a broken collarbone and burns across my body." Shania slightly pulls back her shirt collar to reveal the distorted flesh following along to her back. Most of it is out of sight, but they get the idea.

The room remains tense as Shania's revelation hangs in the air. Her heart pounds loudly in her ears, waiting for someone—anyone—to say something. She feels the weight of their scrutiny as they try to make sense of it all.

"Do you know who started the fires?" Mitsuhide asks, breaking the silence with a note of curiosity.

Shania's eyes meet his, and she shakes her head slowly. "Not confirmed, but there were some rumours. There were decrees that some people didn't like, and whispers say those people got help from assassins to burn the place down. Again, nothing is confirmed." She pauses. "...It's actually the reason I didn't tell anyone who I was. The pyromaniacs are determined to kill every last person who has a connection to the royal family... They've tried to take me out a few times. That's why I've taken shelter here in Whistal... I hope this clears up any more questions..."

The room falls silent once more and as she surveys the room, inspecting each person's face, it's clear the gravity of her past has finally settled in. The scars on her body tell a painful tail and the necklace held delicately in her hand shows how much she has lost. It's a truth none of them expected and they need that bit of extra time to process it.

Zen finally breaks the silence, his voice filled with sympathy. "Shania, I had no idea. I'm sorry for what you've been through."

Shania offers a small, appreciative nod, grateful for his words. She is elated that he has taken it well, as just out of the corner of her eye she can see the troubled scrunch of Obi's brow.

Izana, ever the enigmatic figure, sits down in his chair, his gaze thoughtful. "It seems you have much to think about. As for now, Shania, you've made your stance clear. I won't press the matter further." He tilts his head to her ever so slightly.

Shania feels a wave of relief wash over her, having braced herself for a battle of wills with the First Prince, but he has surprised her with his understanding. He seems to have given up, but Shania is still wary of it all.

"You are dismissed," Izana says, turning to the large window behind him.

Shania turns to leave the room, following her already exiting companions, her shoulders feeling just that little bit lighter. Though, a lingering doubt still hangs heavy on her heart.

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