Chapter 7 - Izana

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Chapter 7 - Izana


Shirayuki looks between Shania and Izana with sealed lips, not daring to come between the two.

"It has been some years, yes," Shania says.

"I heard of what happened at the gates of the palace. You were a surprise appearance for the guards, but a welcomed one as they report."

"It was quite an eventful evening, indeed."

"What was it all about. It was never made clear."

"I believe it was the recent cost increase for certain imported goods. I know some of the local silk traders have gone out of business.

"I see. Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do right now. There have been targeted attacks on trading posts that we are yet to get to the bottom of." Izana lifts a hand and rubs his temple, before looking back at Shania. "Did you hesitate?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Did you hesitate when you defended against your own people?"

She pauses this time, contemplating. "No."

"How intriguing. For someone like yourself, regardless of status, in a kingdom you did not originate from and with no want to speak your own name, you chose to fight for us. You are intriguing."

"Status?" Shirayuki inquires, finally breaking from her silence.

"I'm a blacksmith with no formal training," Shania interjects, seeing Izana open his mouth to answer.

"She was not the right person to have fought, but she did against all odds," Izana continues.

"I owe much to this castle and its people. It was only right for me to."

"Of course." Izana plucks a flower from a nearby vase, fiddling with its petals gently. He does not glance at either female as he makes his way towards Shania up until they are mere inches apart. "It was truly lovely to see you again. You must come by sometime soon to properly catch up. There is a gathering in 20 days' time; perhaps then. Farewell."

Shania takes the flower he now offers, holding it gingerly in her fingers. He tips his head, which startles her and gestures to the door. Taking the hint, she bows low and flicks Shirayuki a side smile before leaving. Once the doors close behind her, she makes a beeline for Zen's study. She knows he will be there, his aids and Obi too. She may be questioned once she arrives but she knows how to combat that. Right now, she must know what those brothers discussed.

Rounding the final corner, Shania pushes open the study door, too loud-minded to think twice about her rudeness. Mitsuhide is the first to speak when she enters, looking her up and down. "Is everything alright?"

Shania takes a deep breath, noticing Zen perched on the railing of the balcony. She smiles half-heartedly at Hitsuhide's question and walks over to the Prince. She notices Obi's keen eyes on her but she shrugs them off momentarily.

"What... What did The First Prince say to you?" She asks warily.

"He asked about Laxdo," Zen replies quietly.

"Oh." Shania cannot think to reply with anything else as relief washes over her. She waits in case he has anything else to add, but when he remains silent, she backs away but remains on the balcony. She joins in staring over the horizon, towards the before-mentioned fort. Although, it is a mere spec from where they stand.

"Did he say anything to Shirayuki?" Zen suddenly asks.

"No... He didn't converse with her before dismissing me. All we discussed was the riot at the castle gate."

"I see..." Zen seems even tenser at the answer.

"I'm sorry I can't ease your worry." Shania

"There's no need." He glances down and offers some semblance of a smile. "I hope the summons didn't interrupt your work?"

"Not at all. I was on a break anyway. But I should start heading back before my boss gets concerned."

"Let me escort you." The sudden voice makes Zen and Shania glance back quickly. Obi stands with a one-sided smile, eyes gleaming. Shania smiles back with a nod before bidding Zen farewell.

"Don't hesitate to request me anytime," she says. "You know where to find me." 

Ash and Fire [Obi love story]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora