Chapter 4 - Laxdo

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Chapter 4 - Laxdo


After a week of relaxing and taking a good load off of herself, Shania is raring to go back to work. Speaking her excitement to her boss, Mare decides to send her on a delivery run. But unlike usual, this one is to be delivered out of town. To be exact, it must be taken to the Fort of Laxdo, which has been stripped of equipment by bandits, from what they have been told. Shania agrees to this, ready to work but with hesitation now. She has not been to Laxdo, not since it was renamed that years ago.

"There are a few helmets left to polish, but till then, rest before the ride," Mare reassures Shania, who bobs her legs full of anxiety. When he doesn't get an immediate reply, he huffs a sigh and places a bag on her legs. "It'll be a few hours ride. I got you some stuff for the trip."

Shania looks up this time, grabbing the bag and opening it slowly. Inside is an arrangement of snacks, including a favourite of hers—roasted pepita seeds. They aren't in season, so it would have been hard for Mare to come by. She smiles, slight relief easing in.

"Thanks, Boss."

Shania pulls carefully on the reigns of the cart, slowing the horses down to a calm trot until looming gates stand before her. She looks up to the Fort of Laxdo, marvelling at the height. At the very top of the gates, she can just make out a head of light brown hair sticking above the top. It's an unrecognisable figure, and she puzzles at it for a second. The person looks down at her, eyes just visible above the stone wall, before a welcoming shout leaves his lips.

"Are you Shania Fern?" the young male calls.

"I am," Shania replies." Here to deliver new armaments for this fort."

"Hold on a moment."

The boy scurries away quickly, and a new guard takes his place as he goes off to do whatever is to be done. Moments later, the gate is opened to allow passage and gracing Shania with a view of Zen and his aids amidst a few soldiers. Shania turns repeatedly, gazing from one end of the fort to the other. From the courtyard, it's hard to see the entirety, but the female doesn't need to see it all to imagine its extent.

She smiles, dismounts from the horse-drawn cart and walks her way to the back. At this moment, Zen and his aids make their way over.

"Shania, it's good to see you again," the Prince greets.

"And you too, your highness," Shania replies.

"We didn't expect you for another day," Kiki pipes up, now popping her head around Zen.

"We thought it would be better to get the equipment here as soon as possible," Shania explains. "So we got some help assembling all the requested equipment." She pulls back the now loose tarp on top of the cart, displaying the many weapons stands, shields, bags of bolts and crates housing weapons and a small amount of armour. "It's all here. Some of the items are from the castle's reserves, but otherwise, it's all brand new."

Several of the Laxdo guards rush forward, opening a few crates to get a look at the goods inside. They beckon more over by the second. Finally, Shania steps back to allow them all through—whatever they don't take now, she will put into the armoury.

"Fantastic," Zen says. "I'll have one of the guards show you to the storerooms. You can drop everything in there and spend a night or two here before heading back.

"Thank you. However, I'll be heading back home tomorrow around noon. I can't stay longer than that."


Making her way through halls upon halls, Shania works quickly to put away the delivered supplies. It's tiring, to say the least, and by her third trip, she stops to take a breather.

"Try not to put your back out again, Nia," a familiar voice rings out, amusement lacing every word.

Shania lifts her head from staring blankly at her boots. The piercing yellow eyes she is greeted with make her smile.

"Already getting my own nickname?" She says. "I'm honoured."

Obi nods and cocks a brow. "You look like you're about to pass out."

"Lugging a wagon full of metal halfway across this fort will do that to someone. It's harder than it looks."

"Do you need a hand then?"


Shania peels herself off the wall she is resting on, gesturing for the ex-assassin to follow. He does so, and the two quickly fall into step beside each other.

"So, why are you here? At the fort," the blacksmith asks.

"I will go wherever my master needs me," Obi replies.

"Right—I heard the guards say youre a new probational attendant."

"For now."

"Wow, you're very confident in yourself."

"Well, master would be missing out if he lets someone with my talent go. I'm irreplaceable."

"If you say so." Shania smiles amusedly. "What did you do before this, then?"

Obi glances down at her and gages her reaction as he states, "An assassin."

This stops Shania in her tracks. "Really?" She asks, and Obi nods. Looking her companion up and down, he notes the few pockets and odd gloves, which at first glance didn't resemble much but now makes more sense. But overall, he doesn't look at all what she remembers an assassin looking like or acting like, for that matter. "Interesting. Well, the Prince has hired you, so I'm assuming those years are past?"

"More recently, but yes. Are you afraid?"

"No. If anything, I'm more interested."

Obi doesn't respond after and keeps walking.

"Your Highness," Shania calls, bowing her head in respect as said man turns around. They exchange smiles of greeting before the brunette continues on. "All the supplies have been unloaded, so I will be taking my leave. Is there anything else you need before I go?"

I thought you weren't going back until tomorrow," Zen replies, somewhat perplexed.

"I was to leave at the latest, tomorrow at noon. But I have nothing else left to do, so I might as well leave now. Unless... there was something else you needed?"

"Actually, there is," Zen responds thoughtfully before pulling out his sheathed sword. "Is it possible to touch up this blade? I had chipped it badly not long ago. I'll need it once Obi has located the bandits who caused all of this commotion."

'That's where he disappeared off to,' Sania thinks, remembering his quick disappearance earlier, before replying to Zen's request. "If there is a forge and equipment here, then I will be more than happy to, your highness."

Zen smiles and passes her his sword.

"I can take the two of yours as well if you'd like." Shania indicates towards Kiki and Mitsuhide. The two hand over their weapons as gratefully as the female is willing to take them. And with that, a guard is beckoned to escort her to the fort's small repair forge.

Ash and Fire [Obi love story]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz