20. He Fights Well for a Coward

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Tylesin had gone to one of the guest rooms in the house after Parameer's daughters had departed in haste and word spread to those remaining that there was a riot in the north of the town. It was a shock to everyone to hear the words. Livya had become very upset and scared. Kelt and her husband had escorted her back to her home. It seemed best they be out of the way. Soon after, the other children and mortal members of the family had departed.

Tylesin sensed that what was occurring was unusual and was sending a shiver through the family.

He was glad to retreat to somewhere quiet, not seeing a need to get involved. He supposed he might have used his powers to aid the negotiations of Parameer's daughters with the townsfolk, but he had always found trying to quell multiple minds at once challenging and it generally resulted in failure.

Tylesin's heritage had given him the gift of charming people, making them do as he wished. He could not make them do something that was against their morals or outside of what they were capable of, but he could influence them subtly. Mostly, he used it when he was in trouble and needed to persuade people to not hurt him.

He sat in his room and listened to the world outside. Smoke carried on the breeze and the strong aroma chilled him a fraction. He suddenly realised how alone he was. He had avoided being alone for days in case She found him when he had no one to aid him. Uneasy, he went back into the corridor, looking for someone to keep him company.

He located Gebert in the main hall. He seemed unmoved by the troubles occurring in the town and was working on some notes in the leather-bound journal he carried with him. He did not look up as Tylesin entered.

Tylesin walked to a window and stared out. Gebert had a single candle glowing and its light did not shine far from the table. It did not interfere with Tylesin looking into the black void of night beyond the windowpane.

That was when he heard the pounding of boots. He glanced right and saw men spilling over the wall of the garden and heading for the main door. Rioters, he assumed.

"Gebert, now would be the time to arm yourself," he called to the sorcerer's apprentice, who looked up blankly.

He did not have to clarify his statement as just then they heard a great thud against the door. The rioters were trying to break in.

"What is that?" Gebert asked, baffled.

"If you don't intend to arm yourself, I suggest you go lock yourself in a room," Tylesin told him, no patience left to act as an escort to the fool.

He raced to his own room and retrieved his long knife. Tylesin generally avoided conflict and did not involve himself in battles, seeing them as mortal affairs, but he lived in a world where it paid to know how to fight. He noted that prior to meeting Riva, his existence had largely been devoid of any serious sword fights and his long knife had served him well enough in the odd scuffle he had fallen into. He was beginning to think that if he spent more time with her he might be best to invest in a sword and practice his blade skills.

He returned from his room and back to the main hall. Gebert was still sitting at the table, listening to the battering at the door in a detached fashion. Tylesin had no time to bother with him. He had spied Kelt and one of the mortal members of Parameer's family racing back to the house. They had drawn weapons and were going to attack the group of rioters assailing the door.

Tylesin was not sure how fearsome the townsfolk might be, but if there are enough people against you, whether trained or not, they can inflict damage by simply overwhelming you. Tylesin decided Kelt and his mortal comrade would need help. Besides, he fancied it would be better to be outside repelling the attackers than to wait until they were inside the house. He wasn't sure how many of the servants were still in the property, but someone had to protect them from this chaos.

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