Diah ignored the sweetened venom of her mother's words and leapt to give Gallard a hug. It was the only time she felt she could be truly defiant under Wyrna's watching eye. He returned it wholeheartedly before taking a step back.

"Every time I return you're a few inches taller, Diah. Either you're growing up or my travels are shrinking me down."

"Probably both if you want an honest answer," Diah replied before Wyrna coughed loudly from the side. She quickly took advantage of the ensuing silence.

"Counselor, we must talk about a sudden shift in relations with the Low Marks."

Gallard nodded and the two began a walking conversation into the capital, Diah trailing closely behind. She hated politics and everything that accompanied it. It was constant threats and backstabbing and broken promises. Diah never understood why people would be so intent on keeping each other from accomplishing anything. Her mind drifted in and out of the conversation ahead.

"We have no choice, Gallard," She heard Wyrna say in a hushed tone. "The Low Marks are starting to riot and the Alis are refusing to accept your proposal. To meet with a group actively devoted to violence against their own kind is absurd."

"Solstice is a group dedicated to equal rights for all Chyl. They would not have to stoop to such means if we just listened to them. Besides, what good is a governing body that doesn't want to govern?" Gallard asked, unafraid of being heard.

The trio turned down an empty hall and stopped short of the lift to Gallard's office. Wyrna looked up to the Counselor with intense eyes.

"We have a job to preserve our culture and protect our people, Counselor. We cannot do so if you go stoking the coals. If you keep trying to appease the Low Marks and Solstice, the rest of the Chyl will cut you down where you stand."

Diah watched as anger began to crack through Wyrna's calm facade.

"You are about to incite a war, Counselor," Wyrna continued, pressing a nail into Gallard's chest. "I will not watch our cities burn."

"Unless you're the one holding the torch, Wyrna,"Gallard retorted.

"I am a peacekeeper, not a warmonger. I leave the war talk to better suited and more vicious heads. If I must stake the legacy these marks," Gallard said, waving his hand towards his face, "have granted me and all those in my family who came before, then so be it."

Wyrna took a step back and closed her eyes.

"Open a line of communication with Solstice," Gallard commanded as he stepped into the lift. "By any means necessary."

The silver disk rose with a dull hum. Wyrna stood in silence for a moment, an intense energy burning off of her. She turned her attention to Diah, as she always did in her anger, and closed the gap between them.

"I said for you to remain silent. Absolutely. Silent."

Her hushed tone sent a familiar chill down Diah's spine. The young Chyl shuffled back slightly and adjusted her stance. She was scared of her mother, of the things she could do and had done, but she was tired of living in her fear. If there was a time to stand, it was now.

"Your undying loyalty to the High Marks and their sick idea of a society have made the situation worse," She said vehemently, building herself up with every word. "We're on the cusp of a civil war and Gallard is right: you would rather watch us all burn!"

Wyrna's hand moved quickly across Diah's face, the force of her slap sending Diah to the floor. The pins in her hair clattered against the bright orange flooring. As she tried to stand, tears welling in her eyes, an acidic feeling began to creep across her left cheek.

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